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Accordance website enhancement

Greg Terry

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Not sure if this is correct forum for this post. If not, please move it to the appropriate forum.


I would really, really, really like to see the Store page 'Category' widget on the left side to have the entries alphabetized. I find it nearly impossible to look through 55 random entries for a specific category. Nine times out of ten I just zone out & give up. Please alphabetize the categories. Otherwise, it is a useless feature and more of an inhibitor to finding something than an enhancement

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I would also find it helpful if we could have more results on a page and arrange the sort order. For examples, Lots of sites allow you options in displaying pages such as sort alphabetically or price low to high as well as display 20, 50 or 90 results per page. 


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Yup, I would also like to see the option to sort and change how many products displayed in a page.


Another thing:  If I open the store page on a phone,it doesn't seem to display the product category. So it will be great if this can be added. 

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  • 2 months later...

I have put a rant on another thread but the website does need a major overhaul and rethink on categories etc.

as others have said, it needs the ability for the user to order it and if not, it needs to be put in a sensible order. Lots of sites allow you to choose the order, a-z, z-a, low to high price, high to low price, most frequent purchased etc. 


we need some really sensible grouping together like we used to have, study bible and commentaries together or dictionaries and lexicons together rather than the current long random list. You dont get all

categories by default and need to go to the top and select from a drop down and then  there are 51 in a very random order and the underlying tagging/filters is suspect.


Examples of suspect tagging/filters is when i select english studies we only get the nt books listed under bible books. 


when you look under traditions, there must be some serious omissions in the tagging as many only have one and lots of traditions seem to have been omitted. Eg is early church a tradition? And if it is, why only 2 relevant volumes?


Also, not sure why we have authors and publishers listed, these would be better as pure search.


and can we still see these categories when in portrait view on a tablet please and not only in landscape view. 



Edited by ukfraser
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