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Research on Bible verse

Larry Wing

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I haven't used Research much but wanted to see all the english translations of Psalm 32:7. When I select English, Bibles (or All Texts) I get a message that says "These words are not found in any tools or texts requested."  Obviously I'm doing some thing wrong. How can I get a list of all English Bibles in my library and their translation of that verse?



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I would use the text browser feature. 
There is an old lighting the lamp video on this page as it was a feature that bible works users wanted. you will have to scroll down the page but hopefully this is what you are after. 



i think research is more for reading psalm 32:7 and then seeing where it is referenced in your other tools such as commentaries, dictionaries and atlases. I am really looking forward to both being on my ipad. 

Edited by ukfraser
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Thank you but I just figured out at least one way. Live Click and the select the verse.  It would be nice if I could get results in same general format as Research but I will look into the text browser feature.


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Thank you ukfraser for the link. That gave me what I wanted in layout.

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