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Suggested Old and New Testament Introductions

Anthony Estes

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Good day to all.


I am not sure if I'm posting this in the right forum and I trust a moderator will move it to the appropriate place.


Every once in a while, I find myself using/needing information from my seminary textbooks, particularly the Old and New Testament Intros. I'm wondering what one might recommend in Accordance. I'm not particularly knowledgeable about what's out there so I appreciate the help.


For OT, I've been consulting Coogan's Introduction to the OT and Brueggemann's Theological Introduction to the OT

For NT, I've been using Carl Holladay's Critical Introduction to the NT


Thanks for your time in reading!

Edited by Anthony Estes
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19 hours ago, Anthony Estes said:


Brueggemann's Theological Introduction to the OT




Have you seen these? They are available in several sets but also individually. (I just have the large theology of the ot volume.)



Edited by ukfraser
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Anthony, I used Dillard & Longman for OT Intro: https://accordancebible.com/product/introduction-to-the-old-testament-dillard-longman-second-edition/

and Berkhoff for NT Intro (can't seem to find it on the website this morning). Though there are a plethora in the store.

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Dillard and Longman (OT) and Brown (NT) were my texts in college (2003-2006). I find them still to be useful. Bird and Wright have a recently released introduction which is helpful for scholar and lay alike.


Regarding what is available your best source would be:





(you can filter by availability in Bible software using the options at the bottom of the page)


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The best NT intro that I have been using for many years (now in 2nd edition) is Mark Allan Powell's Introducing the New Testament: A Historical, Literary, and Theological Survey, 2nd ed.

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1 hour ago, mgvh said:

The best NT intro that I have been using for many years (now in 2nd edition) is Mark Allan Powell's Introducing the New Testament: A Historical, Literary, and Theological Survey, 2nd ed.


Powell is great! I am not sure if it is available in Accordance, but if not I will put in a request for it.

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On 3/31/2022 at 4:48 PM, Anthony Estes said:

I'm wondering what one might recommend in Accordance.


Hi, Anthony,


If I had to choose among Accordance offerings, I would pick:


A Survey of the Old Testament, 3rd Edition, by Andrew E. Hill; John H. Walton, https://accordancebible.com/product/survey-of-the-old-testament-a-hill-walton/ ,




Introduction to the New Testament by Carson & Moo,

https://accordancebible.com/product/introduction-to-the-new-testament-carson-moo/ .

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I have thought of picking up the Carson& Moo as well as Brown's. I like Brown's commentaries on the Nativity and Crucifixion.

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