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INFER and FUZZY not finding LXX reference in GNT

Abram K-J

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2 Tim 2.19 has, "ἔγνω κύριος τοὺς ὄντας αὐτου" = the LORD knows those who are his, which is quoting LXX Num. 16:5 (ἔγνω ὁ θεὸς τοὺς ὄντας αὐτοῦ).


But I can't get from 2Tim to Num. 16 using INFER or a FUZZY search. Is this because Numbers has "God" instead of "LORD"? Shouldn't INFER 6 or FUZZY 1 find this? I'm searching "γινώσκω κύριος ὁ εἰμί αὐτός" (lexical form) in LXX, and I just get pointed to Isa. 56:6.


Been a while since I used INFER in depth, so the problem may be me.

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Check your INFER search settings to make sure it is allowing one word to be missing from the string. If you turn down INFER to 3 you’ll get it. Your search string has two missing words and that’s the problem. But 3 or 4 word string instead of 6 will get it

Edited by Brian W. Davidson
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