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Eerdmans DSS Resources

Brian W. Davidson

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Eerdmans has several other DSS resources besides what is currently available in Accordance. I would love to see all these:


Stars beside the most wanted (by me):


**** Collins' Scriptures and Sectarianism



Collins' The DSS and the Bible



**** Kampen's Commentary on DSS Wisdom Lit (to complement Davilla's Liturgical Works commentary already available in Acc)



**** Crawford's Scribes and Scrolls at Qumran



Crawford's Rewriting Scripture in the Second Temple Times



**** Magness' updated Archaeology of Qumran and the DSS (updating what is available in Accordance's Studies in the DSS)

- Also, it would be nice to break up the Studies in the DSS module since these are actually separate books



**** Vanderkam's new Intro to Early Judaism (2nd edition)



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Thanks Brian. I've added all of these titles to our acquisition list.

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