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Disappearing Module issue

Lorinda H. M. Hoover

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I know I've had this problem before with other modules, and usually gotten it fixed on my own, but either I'm not remembering the procedure correctly or something else is wrong.  I tried to access the NET Notes file today, and was asked to find it for accordance.  A window opened with the file structure, and I located the module, but I got an I/O error when I tried to select it and open it.  

I next went to the library and removed it there, then tried adding it again.  I was able to find it, but this time was told it had been moved since last time Accordance had accessed it.  It doesn't show up when I pull up Easy Install, even after removing it from Library>Application Support>Modules>Tools and restarting Accordance.

How do I get it back?


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In Accordance 13, you can go into Easy Install and click the settings gear and select 'Show Superseded Items' to see items which were replaced. If you are not in Accordance 13 and want assistance with this, please contact us directly at: techsupport@accordancebible.com



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I have Accordance 13, and tried "Show superceded items," but NET notes does not show up.  If I show installed items, NET itself shows up, but NET notes will not show up on a search when all the "hidden" categories are set to be shown.  Looks like I'll need to call tech support tomorrow.

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