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Instant details for Macc books


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Is there a reason that instant details does not display the referenced text in The Maccabees books? The KJV Apocrypha are installed, so it should be able to display the text.

The NETS Septuagint also has the books, yet neither one is displayed in the instant details. This example if from  the Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy page 33. Same issue with other tools such as ISBE revised.



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Erhard, perhaps the hyperlink settings need to be tweaked. See the screen shot below

Screen Shot 2021-12-23 at 2.22.43 PM.png

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Hi Tim

Thank You, that worked

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Glad to help!

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And it is absolutely IMPORTANT, but Accordance don't talk about this. 


The Bibles you have taken as Hypertexts, MUST be on top in the library for a SMOOTH work in Accordance. 

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I have the NETS (LXX) as my alternate and it is way down in my library.

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As the CSB and the NETS nearly covers all bible books there is nearly no problem. 


But for all others. For example you have ESV and NRSV as hypertext Bibles and you hover over Psalm 151 in Tools and all Bibles with Psalm 151 are above your Hypertexts Bibles the hover over won't work. As the cycle through only works downwards.


Except the Cycle-Through feature is once again buggy. Which was often the case. 

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9 minutes ago, Fabian said:

Except the Cycle-Through feature is once again buggy. Which was often the case. 

Hi Fabian

hopefully they will fix this in Accordance 14

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9 hours ago, Fabian said:

And it is absolutely IMPORTANT, but Accordance don't talk about this. 


The Bibles you have taken as Hypertexts, MUST be on top in the library for a SMOOTH work in Accordance. 


That's not quite accurate. Mine are nowhere near the top and work fine. This hasn't been a requirement for a number of versions now.

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Rick, if that is the case, then why does it not display the Macc text unless the version that it is in is selected in preferences as an alternate text? Should it not go through all the texts until it finds one that has the requested text in it, in this case 1 Macc? I would think that you should not even have to have the KJV Apcrypha or NET LXX set as a secondary text.

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To my knowledge, Accordance has never been set up to "go through all the texts" to display hyperlink references. Rather it depends on which text you have as an alternate text in your Tools settings as described above. Some extrabiblical and Pseudepigraphical references are hard coded to read from those modules if they're in your library. I was under the impression from your comment to Tim above that this was now working for you. Is it not?

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13 minutes ago, R. Mansfield said:

To my knowledge, Accordance has never been set up to "go through all the texts" to display hyperlink references. Rather it depends on which text you have as an alternate text in your Tools settings as described above. Some extrabiblical and Pseudepigraphical references are hard coded to read from those modules if they're in your library. I was under the impression from your comment to Tim above that this was now working for you. Is it not?

Yes it can be you are correct what is related to texts. 


But for the Tools the cycle through works. To my memory I have requested this. And there it is also best to put the once you have in the preferences in the Set-Up Assistant on top. Because of the problem I mentioned there. 

So the cycle-through works but not perfect. 





@Silas Marrs

I would love to see the same for the Texts too.


For the reason I mentioned 

3 hours ago, Fabian said:

For example you have ESV and NRSV as hypertext Bibles and you hover over Psalm 151 in Tools and all Bibles with Psalm 151 are above your Hypertexts Bibles the hover over won't work. As the cycle through only works downwards.






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So, I think the issue with Psalm 151 is actually a bug. It should work with ESV as your primary and NRSV as your alternate. It's definitely not working, so I can report that.

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58 minutes ago, R. Mansfield said:

I was under the impression from your comment to Tim above that this was now working for you. Is it not?

Hi Rick

Yes it is working for me the way that Tim described it. I think that I assumed that it should just work automatically rather than needing to change preferences if you are looking for a text like 1 Macc.


The other item would be, for example a text of Eusebius. It seems to show that it can Hyperlink but does not. This is in ZIBBNT pag 502


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So, when I click on that link, it opens to the Eusebius English text that's available in this package. The developers have hardcoded the text to open that version of Eusebius which is our in-house parallel for our tagged Greek Eusebius text. 



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Thanx Rick. So it will not be able to see the Nicene fathers version of Eusebius that I already have.


Have a Blessed Christmas and a happy New Year.

Thanx for all the work that you are doing! 🙂

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