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Eliminating forms in search

Donald Cobb

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Hello all,

I have a question from a colleague who is teaching first year Greek and has just acquired Accordance. He wants to have the students read a text/texts from the New Testament, but using verses that don't have forms they haven't yet learned. I'm not sure how to do that.


Specifically: how would I go about searching for verses excluding participles and subjunctives? I've tried a few things with him and I haven't figured out how to do it. Thanks for any help you can give!

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Hi Donald,


  You might try this as a starting point:


* <NOT> [verb participle]

with Scope set to Sentence


A quick scan of passages in John seems to show things with participles being excluded.




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Hope I don't confuse anything by adding another option.


1- Open a tagged Greek text.

2- Make sure your search is set for “Words” rather than verses.
3- Click in the search entry area then open the “Search” menu at the upper left of your screen and hover over “Enter Tag”.  You will see “Verbs” listed.  Click on “Verbs”
4- In the window that appears click the up and down arrows for “Mood”.  Choose “Subjunctive” and put a check in the box to negate that from the search.  Then shift click on “Subjunctive to choose “participle”.
5- Make sure you end up with a window that looks similar to my screen shot then click “OK"
6- That takes you back to your workspace and just run the search as is.

Screen Shot 2021-12-17 at 1.32.31 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-12-17 at 1.14.10 PM.png

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Thanks very much Daniel and Steve. Daniel, when I asked my question, I was already half thinking that you would probably be the one with the answer! 🙂 


Steve, I had never used the "not" function in the tag entry, so I'm seeing that for the first time. Thanks! That being said, it doesn't get me exactly where I need to be, because the results need to filter out verses where there are unknown forms (i.e., participles and subjunctives). This search will give me verbs that correspond to that, but it also gives me verses where unknown forms can be also found.


Thanks again both of you for help. BTW, my colleague is enchanted with Accordance!


Best wishes during this advent season!

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8 hours ago, Donald Cobb said:

Best wishes during this advent season!

And to you Donald.


BTW, I didn't deal with the subjunctive in my query. It should be a simple matter of adding if to the list of verb moods.


* <NOT> [verb (participle, subjunctive)]




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Thanks Daniel! Yes, I added the subjunctive in the same way as you show it.

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