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Searching English Bibles for a word used grammatical tags

Joey Davis

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I am trying to search for instances of an English word in an English text where the word has a specific grammatical function. As an example:


Where is the word "now" found in the NKJV with the function of an adverb?


As best as I can tell you cannot add a grammatical tag to an English text search. You can in Greek but there are about seven Greek words translated as "now" in the NKJV. I get that you could look at the Greek words and narrow down to just those words that can function as an Adverb, or you could include all the key numbers in the search of the Greek text and limit with the adverb tag, but is there a way just to do this from the English Bible, very quickly. OR am I in a box completely missing an easier way to do this in general?







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It has come up before that there is no grammatically tagged modern texts and even if there were one it would be the wrong one, for 90+ % of the people. And it's so much work that no one would undertake it for many translations.


I am dubious that taking a POS tag from the source language and assuming it applies to all instances of the word in the target language is generally valid, and it would depend upon the translation paradigm and the source target languages and many other things no doubt. But what you are asking can be done in a simple command. Depending upon what you are trying to do with the result it might be fine but care would be required in sifting the results.


So what I tried was this from a NKJV search tab:


 [GNT28-T  [ADVERB temporal] ] @now


This was basically just a guess and the "now" sense you want to use. You will want to examine the available options and see what to include or exclude. And whether the results make sense.




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I got an error by copy paste.




Accordance 13.3.2 (13.3.2) MacOS 12.1.0 Die einleitende Klammer “[” ist deplaziert. Auf jede einleitende Klammer “[” muss die entsprechende abschließende Klammer “]” folgen. Load Address: 0x0000000007d7d000 Backtrace: $0000000107DDDA2B $0000000107DDE124 $0000000107EDEE9C $0000000107EA5DF1 $0000000107FA2929 $0000000107DE4D35 $0000000107DE45C0 $00007FF8062E5D4B $00007FF8062E5D4B $00007FF806293E1B $00007FF8061BE37E $00007FF8061C6EB1 $00007FF806971A67 $00007FF8061C6C71 $00007FF8069719ED $00007FF80C1ED1F1 $00007FF80C1FE4AE $00007FF80696D112 $00007FF8061C01A8 $00007FF8061C012E $00007FF8061BF689 $00007FF8061BEED8 $00007FF80C18ED1D $00007FF80C18E14E $00007FF80C18DFEF $00007FF80C1E9666 $00007FF80C1E9B11 $00007FF80C1E9969 $00007FF80C1E96B4 $00007FF80C1E94BC $00007FF80C1E9195 $00007FF80C1E8F45 $00007FF80C1E8DA5 $00007FF80C1E8BF8 $00007FF80C1E899C $00007FF80C1E881B $00007FF80C1E85E7 $00007FF80C1E839A $00007FF80C1D761A $00007FF8069718DD $00007FF806971637 $00007FF8061BD943 $00007FF8061BD34F $00007FF8061BCD84 $00007FF8061BCBFE $0000000107E1622D $00007FF80612351A $0000000107DE3B1F $0000000107DEF3CB $00007FF805FA25CE




Edited by Fabian
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19 hours ago, Λύχνις Δαν said:

[GNT28-T  [ADVERB temporal] ] @now

And I get the English version of Fabian's message.

Screen Shot 2021-12-15 at 2.29.28 PM.png

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I think the forums may be adding or replacing something. I had to edit it to get it to work. I am going to try to paste it again. 


[GNT28-T [ADVERB temporal] ]@now

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11 minutes ago, Tony Lawrence said:

[GNT28-T [ADVERB temporal] ]@now

This search works for me.

So I think the Forums web page was adding something to my previous copy and paste.  

Edited by Steve Carruth
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2 minutes ago, Steve Carruth said:

This search works for me.


For me too. So the error message was not quite correct.


BTW maybe it should have searched anyway. A welcomed improvement.

BTW the same with the Quick entry. In Accordance you have after the choose of the book ALWAYS to press space before enter the chapter otherwise the search fails. Not so in Logos.  +1 for Logos.

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