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searching for specific words in an untagged text


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Is there a way to search for a word which is either only lower case, or only upper case? I tried searching for the upper case "Covenant" but words of "covenant" are also showing. I tried to put the word in quotes but it does not recognize it.


I am aware that on a tagged Bible you can get around this by looking at the Analysis and clicking on the capitalized word, but I am working with an untagged text and so while the Analysis does show both "Covenant" and "covenant" I am not able to click on "Covenant" to find the verses where they are found.

Thank you for any clarification anyone is able to provide,

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Does "=Covenant" get you what you want ?




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Yes, just put an equal sign in front of the word to specify that you DO care about case. 

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BTW, you can see the full list of symbols used in Accordance by selecting "Search—>Enter Symbol". I probably used Accordance for 10 years before I realized this menu was there 🙂

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