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Table of contents/Linking errors in IVP OT Background Commentary


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I have just come across errors affecting the books of Judges-Ruth-1Samuel in the IVP-OT Commentary module. This applies to the module table of contents, section hyperlinks and use as a parallel scrolling with a Scripture text. The section titled "Judges 1:1-22 To Moab and Back" should refer to Ruth 1:1-22 and the section titled "Ruth 1:1-28 Samuel's Birth" should refer to 1Samuel 1:1-28. Versions used:


Accordance 13.3.1 on Win 10



IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament (IVP-OT Commentary)

© 2000 by John H. Walton, Victor H. Matthews and Mark W. Chavalas

Electronic text hypertexted and prepared by OakTree Software, Inc.

Version 2.3


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Thanks for the report; we'll get this fixed asap.


To report errors in the future, you may find it easier to right-click on the issue and select "Report a Correction" from the contextual menu.



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