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When will be the next major update?


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Can't wait for a big update of the app. I heard that this year will have some exciting features

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Beta testing is just wrapping up right now!

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Beta testing is just wrapping up right now!


Joel, Please guys take your time. I would rather wait more for quality release.

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Joel, Please guys take your time. I would rather wait more for quality release.

Daniel, No software is perfect but i have always found that accordance dont rush software out until they are happy with it so i wouldnt be too concerned.

But if in doubt, wait a week to see if a fix is supplied for any features that havent been caught in beta.


another stratagy is to stagger downloads such as put it on your secondary device first (phone?) then if ok download to your principle device (ipad?).



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Daniel, No software is perfect but i have always found that accordance dont rush software out until they are happy with it so i wouldnt be too concerned.

But if in doubt, wait a week to see if a fix is supplied for any features that havent been caught in beta.


another stratagy is to stagger downloads such as put it on your secondary device first (phone?) then if ok download to your principle device (ipad?).




I understand in general your point and I fully appreciate the development team of Accordance. In no way, i am criticizing their work. However, last major release had very difficult bugs that took almost 1 year to both recognize and address. This is has nothing to do with their quality of work, but instead I am under the impression that during the work on a major release, this is exactly when the whole team is focused on the release. Then the team moves to work on other issues. In this case, this is the time to address any possible issues. So this has nothing to do with waiting a month or two to install the software. It has to do with the development team working with beta testing for additional month or two before officially releasing the software. Therefore, I insist in light of this that my original comment is fully justified. 

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Do you recall what exactly were the very difficult bugs that took a year to be fixed?

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Do you recall what exactly were the very difficult bugs that took a year to be fixed?

There were primarily two bugs: One is fixed and one is not. Both were introduced in the last primary release about a year ago. First, copying a text from accordance to word will result in 50% of the time duplicate pastes in word or any editor. For almost a whole year, I would get double text whenever I copy and paste (50% of the time). And this is what I do, I spend every day several hours reading and copying to word, and imagine that I every single time I had to paste something, I had to check it out to make sure there is no duplicate text. Then if there is, I would have to select it (by hand of course), and then delete it. It was one of the most tedious things for me.


Then second bug: When I return back to Accordance to resume reading, I do not return back to the original place in the commentary in the second window. Instead, I had to scroll around to find the original location. This is still happening to me today. But at least the first bug (the bigger bug) was fixed in the last minor release. And I am thankful for that.


My whole point is that I wish beta testing was longer last year. 

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Daniel, both bugs were/are due to Apple’s undocumented changes in iOS 13, and not introduced bugs in our program. Often it takes quite a lot of effort to find and fix bugs caused by Apple’s changes.


I definitely appreciate your concern and desire for wait, but often we don’t want to delay our entire user base getting a bunch of new features for weeks due to brand new bugs Apple just introduced.

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So will we get the ability to edit notes within the split screen without covering the text being viewed? And will we be able to use all the resources within the split screen? My biggest issue has always been the limitations to multitasking.

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So will we get the ability to edit notes within the split screen without covering the text being viewed? And will we be able to use all the resources within the split screen? My biggest issue has always been the limitations to multitasking.


+ 100!

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 And will we be able to use all the resources within the split screen?

This is frequently asked for and will make a lot of people happy.


my other biggest frustration is with navigation and i long for the day when i can scroll through maps and illustrations full screen and go to the relevant text associated with the map or image without being returned to the original text where i entered the images like you would in a book rather than having to remember the caption and then run a search for it. 


live in hope. 



Edited by ukfraser
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I have an issue where not all the folders are synced from the desktop to the mobile device and therefore I cannot see all my resources although they are there. Has this been fixed yet?

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Beta testing is just wrapping up right now!

You mean for 3.1 or 4.0? Can’t wait especially seeing the improvement from 3.1 (TEXT and cross highlight)


As iOS 14 is coming soon, I guess at least it would need to be waited after its launch. 


I am not a developer now but hopefully the iOS 14 would provide more API that makes the migration of features from MacOS to iOS easier. 

Edited by henryaukc
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I guess when the new website is ready :)

I don’t know even there is a new website in development. Expecting...

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I have an issue where not all the folders are synced from the desktop to the mobile device and therefore I cannot see all my resources although they are there. Has this been fixed yet?

I managed to work out what was wrong. There were a large number of blank lines between a first set of folders and then another set of folders and I never scrolled down to them. In edit I deleted the blank lines and now I have the folders available.

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So will we get the ability to edit notes within the split screen without covering the text being viewed? And will we be able to use all the resources within the split screen? My biggest issue has always been the limitations to multitasking.

use all the resources in the split screen is supported in the 3.1 already :) Still expecting the editing in the split window. Also wanna insert pic in the edit window

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Henry, you need a text in left window so half way there. What I think zcostilla is after is having a non text (eg atlas) in the left and whatever in the right window. 

i think its great that its still developing  and this is a big step Forward (but we are never satisfied!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

use all the resources in the split screen is supported in the 3.1 already :) Still expecting the editing in the split window. Also wanna insert pic in the edit window

I cannot use maps in split screen 

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