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Most important desired features for Accordance iPadOs 4.0


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The following are the most important features for me:


1) Separation between Accordance iOS and Accordance iPadOS. This is obvious. The features that I desire assumes a more sophisticated version that is incompatible with the iPhone and/or with the small size of the iPhone relative to the iPad.


2) Support for the Apple Magic case for the ipad. In particular on the trackpad: click and drag to select. 


3) Copy as a citation with the following features:


a) Copy as first citation: First Last, Book’s Name (Publisher, Year), Page number. (please no reference to Accordance, or make it optional in settings).

b/)  Copy as consequent citation: Last, Book’s Name, Page number. 

c) Copy as a Bibliographical item: Last, First. Book’s Name. Publisher, Year.


4) Research with all its functionality. This will require support for multiple panels and windows.


5) Graphical Search. Imagine how beautiful it would be on the ipad.

Edited by danielamari
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+1 on item 4. The ability to use any book, reference, or module in it’s own split pane is essential to workflow on an iPad. It’s the reason I buy the iPad Pros (first the 9.7, now the 11). And searching either pane individually is useful.

I hope this isn’t considered hijacking your thread, but I took it to mean for all of us to share the features most important to us to represent the desires of the entire user community (ie if a particular features had 10-20 people all requesting it).


I would like the ability to use the full book name,  both when reading in the app, and when copying verses. 

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My wish list goes way back and most of these have been asked for repeatedly in the past by others as well as me. But there are things i miss from the full fat version.


1 consistency using the best features and minimal scroling. The classic is when you change tools in the second pane.


2 if im reading a hard copy atlas and skim to another map, i can see the text. In accordance if i enlarge a map and move to other maps, i usually want to go to the text i linked to the new map im looking at, not go back to my entry point.


3 i want to be able to create and edit stacks.


4 iwant greater freedom in what i have in my two panes or even tabs. Text and lexicon, or commentary and atlas or...others frequently ask for more panes. Lots of options...


5 i want to be able to combine resources, wbc ot and nt, hebrew scripture and greek nt So when i scroll through an english translation the who original language scrolls. 

6 yes to research


7 some form of analytics, graphs may be a problem but the word use frequency would be a step. 

but ideally i would like apple to bring out an ipad that runs the full os so we can have parity without giving the accordance developers a head ache!



Edited by ukfraser
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3 i want to be able to create and edit stacks.


4 iwant greater freedom in what i have in my two panes or even tabs. Text and lexicon, or commentary and atlas or...others frequently ask for more panes. Lots of options...


5 i want to be able to combine resources, wbc ot and nt, hebrew scripture and greek nt So when i scroll through an english translation the who original language scrolls. 


6 yes to research


7 some form of analytics, graphs may be a problem but the word use frequency would be a step. 

but ideally i would like apple to bring out an ipad that runs the full os so we can have parity without giving the accordance developers a head ache!



+1 to all the items mentioned above but especially to these! (+ 100!)

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  • 1 month later...

1. Edit note in the second pane

2. tab support for both panes

3. analytics support

4. text window support

5. search in second pane

6. non-text for first pane

7. timeline extension support

8. Search In (lexicons, bibles)


Just thinking about these make me happy 

Edited by henryaukc
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My wish list goes way back and most of these have been asked for repeatedly in the past by others as well as me. But there are things i miss from the full fat version.


1 consistency using the best features and minimal scroling. The classic is when you change tools in the second pane.


2 if im reading a hard copy atlas and skim to another map, i can see the text. In accordance if i enlarge a map and move to other maps, i usually want to go to the text i linked to the new map im looking at, not go back to my entry point.


3 i want to be able to create and edit stacks.


4 iwant greater freedom in what i have in my two panes or even tabs. Text and lexicon, or commentary and atlas or...others frequently ask for more panes. Lots of options...


5 i want to be able to combine resources, wbc ot and nt, hebrew scripture and greek nt So when i scroll through an english translation the who original language scrolls. 


6 yes to research


7 some form of analytics, graphs may be a problem but the word use frequency would be a step. 

but ideally i would like apple to bring out an ipad that runs the full os so we can have parity without giving the accordance developers a head ache!



Amen to #3!

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With the latest release, i certainly think #1 has been sorted!


And this is what i like about the accordance team, adding hide has shown their thought process and has just taken it that little step further.


so thanks. 


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