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NASB or ESV with phrase tagging


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I apologize if this has already been requested, but I did a search through the forums and didn't see anything.


Is Accordance working on expanding the amazing "phrase tagging" feature beyond Mounce NT and NIV to a more "formal equivalent" English translation such as NASB or ESV.

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As far as I know, we're not. I think one of the issues might be that the ESV and NASB use Strong's numbers, while the Mounce and NIV use the much more comprehensive Goodrick-Kohlenberger numbering system.

Strong's system indexes only the vocabulary of the original-language texts that underlie the KJV, so some words in the Biblia Hebraica and even more in the UBS/ Nestle-Aland Greek NT are not covered by Strong's numbers. Also, Strong's doesn't distinguish between homographs. 


That doesn't mean we couldn't phrase tag other texts, but it will require a lot more work. 

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As far as I know, we're not. I think one of the issues might be that the ESV and NASB use Strong's numbers, while the Mounce and NIV use the much more comprehensive Goodrick-Kohlenberger numbering system.


Strong's system indexes only the vocabulary of the original-language texts that underlie the KJV, so some words in the Biblia Hebraica and even more in the UBS/ Nestle-Aland Greek NT are not covered by Strong's numbers. Also, Strong's doesn't distinguish between homographs. 


That doesn't mean we couldn't phrase tag other texts, but it will require a lot more work. 


Mmmh yes and no. So far I know and I'm pretty sure has Thomas the creator of the Leonberger NT with G/KE first made his Text with Strong's. I told him: I would love to have his text in Accordance. Strong's is great but G/K is better. Then I told him about the G/KE and he adapt his Bible with a script from the Strong's to G/KE. He release his NT on his site still with Strong's, but for Accordance he use his script. So why not ask him for the script?





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Mark, thanks for the explanation. I understood that phrase tagging was easier to do for Mounce NT and the NIV, but I did not know the details. Your explanation makes perfect sense. As usual, given limited resources and a far larger set of possible ways to apply those limited resources, the decisions are complex, and some will surely be disappointed at the decision. 


However, there is a way we may all help. Upgrading to the newest version of Accordance provides funds for the company to develop more products we like, and we get to enjoy some very nice new features. How often do we get to make definitive win-win decisions? 



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Hi Mark, according to their web site, net2 is phrase tagged using strongs.




I wondered if this was the same as we are used to in niv (plus hoping its available in accordance).



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The NIV11-GKE is tagging according to Goodrich/Kohlenberger numbers.

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Thanks graham, net talk about phrase tagging on their web site but while it is the same term used, i was wondering if the extent/result would be equivalent to what we are used to following on from mark's comment.


Strong's system indexes only the vocabulary of the original-language texts that underlie the KJV, [/size][/font][/color]

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Thanks graham, net talk about phrase tagging on their web site but while it is the same term used, i was wondering if the extent/result would be equivalent to what we are used to following on from mark's comment.




I don't think it's the same thing. We're working on the current version of the NET Bible, with text sent to us from the publisher, and it doesn't have the markup for phrase tagging.  

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I have found that the netbible.org site allows one to setup the NET2 Bible in one pane and a Greek text in a second tools pane. There does appear to be a kind of phrase tagging available is this environment. However, unlike Accordance, mousing over a word highlights all instances of that word in both languages on the page in view. Also, I have yet to find how to make the two panes scroll in sync with one another.


As Kevin Purcell demonstrated, https://www.accordancebible.com/forums/topic/27486-youtube-video-showing-off-web-browser-in-acc-13/ , one may open the netbible.org site in the Accordance browser, but I could only get the two panes to appear together when the Accordance web zone was in the expanded mode. Very interesting!



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