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Greek Septuagint (Rahlfs)

Julia Falling

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Once you've learned Greek there is no reason that you couldn't start reaping some benefits from the LXX, paticularly with the Accordance version! I have only been reading Greek for one year but just today I was learning some amazing things by comparing phrases from the GNT to the LXX. I don't see any reason to wait unless money is an issue. You will probably also want NETS or some other English translation of the LXX to help you scan searches, etc.

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Dave –


Thanks for the advice. I'm just coming up with Christmas ideas for my husband! I've had a number of "geeky" Christmases, and I think 2008 is going to be another one!



Edited by Julie Falling
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With some Greek knowledge it's great fun to read familiar OT passages from the LXX, like Genesis 1-3, the Ten Commandments, and some of the Psalms.


A woman who wants a Septuagint for Christmas definitely qualifies for Proverbs 31!



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I am a Professor of Greek at The Master's College, where I teach 2nd and 3rd year Greek courses. While it may be early for you to

get heavily into LXX studies, if you are planning for the future, I would say by all means t is essential that you be able to access the LXX.

I have taught both Hebrew and Greek and I would even go so far as to propound the heresy that a knowledge of the LXX is equal to and maybe even more important than a knowledge of the Masoretic Text.

This year I am using for my 2nd year students the Koine Greek Reader by Rod Decker. He includes a number of great NT selections and then includes a good selection of LXX passages and then some important patristic readings. So other scholars recognize the value of the LXX for NT students.

One of the great tools is the Emmanuel Tov aligned MT and LXX. There you can compare an OT passage in both versions. Also, the Lust Lexicon of the LXX is very valuable.

You already have the LXX in Accordance, but by all means also get a hard copy.



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