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Major Bug with 10.4.3 and Yosemite Beta 3: Crashes When Opening Library

Dr. Nathan Parker

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Heads up: There's a MAJOR bug with 10.4.3 and Yosemite Beta 3 causing Accordance to crash when opening the Library. It happens in full screen or windowed-mode, from the toolbar or menu, on both my MacBook Pro and iMac. For me, it's happening regardless of how many zones are open. I've PM'd others on here who are confirming the bug.



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Another major bug. Accordance keeps crashing when I try to update modules as well.

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After installing Yosemite Beta 4, Accordance now no longer crashes when opening the library, but it is randomly crashing ever using it for a few minutes.

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Thanks for sharing. I guess I won't be so quick to install Yosemite public beta tomorrow.

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Supposed to be the same one developers just received.

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MacOSX 10.10 Preview 4, Accordance, iMac Late 2012


I have been able to:

  • Open the Library without problems
  • Check For Updates and Easy Install was successful
  • Dismiss the About dialog
  • Automatic Dropbox syncing

I have noticed (still needs to be investigated):

  • Accordance does not "close" the last window (Accordance has removed it from the window menu, etc, but it is still visible until the next window is opened)
  • Progress dialogs are sometimes drawn on the wrong window


Feel free to PM any crash reports that are generated to me.


All testing feedback is welcomed!



Edited by Mike Garrity
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I installed Yosemite on a clean partition and then installed Aleph from the link in the forum. During the initial set up stage the easy install window showed my modules checked. I unchecked them all except a few, and the easy install window seems to freeze with Aleph becoming unresponsive. This happened a few times.


I don't know if testing fresh Accordance installation is regularly tested on top of a new OS. I think the process of installing it fresh rather than an upgrade sometimes reveals bugs. I remember finding some bugs this way when I beta tested Accordance v.10.


Also --- this probably only matters with Aleph --- when Accordance is installed and launched for the first time, rather than initiating the set up, maybe the first step should be checking to see if there is a newer version of app available.

Edited by Ken Han
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Thank you for the feedback.



I unchecked them all except a few, and the easy install window seems to freeze with Aleph becoming unresponsive. This happened a few times.



When exactly does Accordance become unresponsive? When you are checking modules or after you click download ?



Also --- this probably only matters with Aleph --- when Accordance is installed and launched for the first time, rather than initiating the set up, maybe the first step should be checking to see if there is a newer version of app available.



Does this mean you started with 10.4.3 and wanted to update to Otherwise I am not sure I understand what you mean.




I also have a separate partition for Yosemite. I deleted all of the Accordance folders and ran Aleph:

  • Accordance validated and started the setup assistant.
  • I entered my existing account info and then the Easy Install window was shown.
  • I deselected all of the modules in my account and then I chose the v10 starter collection.
  • All 39 modules downloaded and were installed.
  • I then continued with the setup assistant, linked to dropbox, and the default English Study Workspace appeared.
  • After performing a dropbox sync then I was successfully up and running.
  • I also ran check for updates and everything was up to date.



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Hi guys,


I've switched from the Developer Preview to Public Beta 1. A contact at Apple told me it's more stable.


The issue I'm mainly having right now is Accordance does crash when I attempt to install updates.


I'm willing to PM in screencasts and crash logs if need be.

By the way, I'm not using the Aleph version of Accordance. Just the stock build.

Edited by Nathan Parker
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By the way, how does one download the Aleph version?

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I am running Accordance Aleph with the Yosemite Public Beta with no problems at this point. I have not used all of the Accordance features so my input probably doesn't help much.

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Im also dun have bigger problems with Accordance (stock version and aleph - prbly same at the mom) and Yosemite. There is a bug when you try to close the Accordance window - Accordance freezes for a short time and a moment later you can end it by using the dock. This behavior prbly will change with the next beta versions.


Everything else is running fine and Accordance also wins a greater look by the some new design changes. (this is only true for my retina mac... on my older imac the new design doesn't look so great)

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Does this mean you started with 10.4.3 and wanted to update to Otherwise I am not sure I understand what you mean.


Mike, I started with 10.4.1 aleph linked to here, which is obviously a few point releases behind.


A few more further observations:


1. I finally let Easy Install run. I have access to AccordanceMaster account for module development, which means Easy Install attempted to download 700+ modules. I just did not want to manually uncheck everything. Then, after downloading for 3+ hours, Easy Install window just vanished without completing the install. Reinitiating EI did not even show that it was aware that modules had been downloaded, and began downloading everything from scratch, instead of looking into the tmp directory as I've seen EI do sometimes. Total time spent while I waited for EI to successfully finish was around 6 hours.


I think EI install needs better UX, a way to select/deselct ALL modules, sort by name, date purchased, a way to search, etc. The inconvenience of EI grows exponentially the more modules you have purchased, which means the longer you've been using Accordance and more money you have invested in modules, the hassle grows. Somehow, this shouldn't be.


2. Aleph seems to freeze time to time, and there seems to be a pattern of freezing after pressing one of the red, yellow, green buttons. This happened several times in EI window, and other times in workspace windows.


Is Accordance going to follow the changes Yosemite is bringing with the 3 window buttons? In particular, the green button in Yosemite now triggers full screen.

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Please generally try to keep discussions of internal Accordance testing (Aleph, accounts, etc.) to the beta forums.


And Ken, it says right on the EI window that you can shift-click a checkbox to toggle on/off all checkboxes.

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Joel, you're right! I don't know why I didn't notice/see that. My bad.

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2. Aleph seems to freeze time to time, and there seems to be a pattern of freezing after pressing one of the red, yellow, green buttons. This happened several times in EI window, and other times in workspace windows.


I think some of workspace issues are related to what I said above:




I have noticed (still needs to be investigated):

  • Accordance does not "close" the last window (Accordance has removed it from the window menu, etc, but it is still visible until the next window is opened)


I think this might be related to the new Yosemite option to close the application when you close the last window, but I have not fully investigated it yet. Either way, the release version of Accordance does properly dismiss the last window.


Thanks for the feedback,


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Greetings, Yosemite OS beta testing with Accordance 10 has revealed the following issues:
~ clicking the upper left Red Button in toolbar causes Accordance to Freeze
~ clicking Library icon in toolbar immediately crashes Accordance program and the attached error message appears


Edited by Jeffsop
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