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Smooth Breathing+Circumflex displays as box

Lorinda H. M. Hoover

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I was reading 1 John 1:40 in the NA-27T. As you can see here:




There's an odd rectangular box at the beginning of verse 40. Checking the same text in my iPad, I see that there should be a smooth breathing mark with a circumflex over it in that spot. But in both NA-27T and GNT-T, on my Windows machine it shows up as a box. This happens both in and in the Aleph.


Windows Vista Home Premium.




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Just go home to my Mac, and I can confirm that the issue is Windows-specific. Also, the second text was UBS4-T, not GNT-T.

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I also confirm that the UBS4 text at John 1:40 has a rectangular box.



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  • 7 years later...

I don't know if this issue is resolved or not, I'm seeing a similar issue. For example, in front of the first word in Luke 15:1, instead of the smooth breathing mark and the circumflex, I see this: €. When copied to other text editors (such as Page or Word), it copies correctly as Ἦσαν. This happens on both UBS5 and NA28.


It also happens in John 1:40 as referred to above.


I'm using Accordance 13.3.1 on MacOS Big Sur 11.6.

Screen Shot 2021-10-23 at 9.57.49 pm.png

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