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Question About Timeline Data

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Studying in Malachi, and opened the Timeline module. When clicking on "Malachi (Book), at the top of the module it says "ca. -435 to ca. -430".


What exactly is that telling me??

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That means the estimated time of writing was somewhere between 435 and 430 BC (before Christ).

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ca stands for "circa" which means about or approximately.

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Thanks, guys, for the help. Seems like a dumb question now, but light has a tendency to do that to darkness, doesn't it?

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Hey Mark,

The old adage that there is no such thing as a dumb question is really almost always true. There is no substitute for curiosity in learning, and we all have to start somewhere, and in the end, there are very few things that are completely self-explanatory. Hindsight always has great clarity.


It gives many of us great pleasure to help, and if we can help you get even more into the Bible then the kingdom of God is also helped.


So to all those feeling embarrassed about asking anything...please don't.

Edited by Ken Simpson
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