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Encountered some strange behavior in Accordance 10.1.3 just now. Here's the scenario:


1. Was attempting a "*" search for every word in Jonah in the HMT-W4.


2. Selected "Set Range" below the search entry box, and then "Define Range," but the 'define' mode menu would not appear from there.


3. Went to the "Search Menu" at the top of the screen and selected "Define Range" from there. Once in the "Define Search" window the behavior got buggier.


4. Created my "New Range" for Jonah, which didn't appear in the range list after clicking "update." A second attempt secured it.


5. Clicked on my new range (which was the whole book of Jonah) to position it further down the range list. One click on "Down" and Accordance disappeared instantly.


6. Restarted Accordance and the crash recovery successfully restored my workspaces. My new search range for Jonah was also saved.


Running Accordance 10.1.3 on a 2012 MBP 13 inch with 256 SSD and 8GB of RAM.


Hey Mark, sorry about the crash. Something seems to have gotten fuddled among the preferences for your Ranges. I'm having trouble reproducing it, so we can fix it, however. What I did:


1) Made a new search tab, selected HMT-W4.

2) Hit the '+' button to get the Range condition.

3) Selected 'Define Range…' at the bottom, and got the Range menu.

4) Was able to make a range, hit Update, move it Up or Down, and close the window.

5) Was able to run the Search.


What did you do differently from this, and are you still able to reproduce the issues? Also, I'm not sure what you mean by 'mode menu', and I don't know where you saw something called 'Set Range'.

Posted (edited)

Hey Joel,


Thanks for the report back.


I was incorrect in my description, should have said on step 2 "Selected the range drop-down menu" rather than "Set Range" and then "Define Range." After clicking on "Define Range" the "Define Ranges" window (here is what I meant by define range mode menu...sorry) would not appear, so I could not create a new range. Simply nothing happened after clicking on "Define Range" in the "Range" drop down menu under the search entry box. That's when I moved to step 3 of my description.


I've not been able to reproduce the crash or the non-appearance of the Define Ranges menu from the drop down below the search entry box. Everything seems fine.


Perhaps the main difference between my steps and yours is that my workspace was already set up with various modules open dispersed in different panes and tabs. See screenshot for a visual reproduction of what was open. Previous searches had been run etc. etc. Don't know what impact that would have, but thought it was worth mentioning.


By the way, you guys did a great job on the auto-save and recover feature. This crash, which I believe is the first I've had since upgrading to Acc.10, was a good test of that :)


Thanks Joel!




Edited by Mark Nigro

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