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Robb B

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Two questions:


Is there an update on the release date of the NIGTC set? The Pillar set reminded me of my CD which has the NIGTC pictured on it. The Accordance web site says Spring 2006 still as the release date, so I was wondering what the revised projection is.


Will the NIGTC and the Word Biblical Commentary sets be released as one module or as multiple modules, or both, like Pillar was?



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NIGTC will be released within a few weeks, we hope, and like the Pillar will let you buy the entire set or individual volumes.


WBC will be released by Nelson in November. Initially it will be sold as the entire set, but later we should be able to offer individual modules as unlocks.

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I saw the WBC available for pre-order at the Nelson website as well as other places. Is Oak Tree planning to offer similar pre-order options? I know in the past you haven't done so, but since others are offering it, I was wondering if Oak Tree would as well on this particular item.

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