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Formatting poetry in User Bibles

Nathan Lovell

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How do I format the text for a user bible in order to insert whitespace? I'd really like my translations of poetry to include tabs or multiple spaces (poetic layout) but I can't figure out a way to do it. Neither multiple spaces nor tab characters in the user bible source file seem to be retained once imported, and I can't find any reference to formatting whitespace in the help.


Thanks in advance for your help.


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Nathan -


Do the formatting after the import. It will remember it then. One of the things I've discovered about the user tools in general is that they do not always look the same in the edit window as they do in the tool itself. So hit the Update button often and use tabs and returns wherever needed to make the final product look the way you want it to look. (A user Bible is created just like a user tool, right?)

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Thanks Julie, but I don't think that's right. A user Bible is imported from a marked up text file, and then displayed as a translation, not as a user tool/user note. As far as I know, there is no way to edit it directly once it's in Accordance.

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I don't think this is supported in User Bibles. The more complicated features we allow, the more we have to support the user.

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Nathan - Thanks. Having done multiple user tools, and never having done a Bible, I assumed they were the same. Thanks for the heads up.

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  • 2 years later...

Hello Nathan


I can make some whitespace if I prepare the txt in BBEdit or TextWrangler with Tab and also with the space bar.





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  • 1 year later...

Hello Nathan


I can make some whitespace if I prepare the txt in BBEdit or TextWrangler with Tab and also with the space bar.






Please explain.




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  • 4 years later...



I would love to have the <tags> for poetry. 


At the moment I can use the tab, but this works only on the first line, or after the <br>tab. But if the pane is smaller the poetry is lost. 





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  • 1 year later...

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