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Zip formal for 7.0.2 installer

Lorinda H. M. Hoover

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I downloaded the zip formatted 7.0.2 update for Mac OS X earlier today. My computer didn't recognize it as an instaler app. Instead it tried to read it with Text Edit. I downloaded the disk image file it worked fine. (I haven't tried running Accordance again, but the installer worked fine.)



Just thought I ought to let you know in case it's not an isolated incident.

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That's unusual but not apocalytic.


Was it saved to your hard drive with the filename intact, ie with ".zip" at the end?


Which web broswer did you use, and was it set to open 'safe' files after downloading?


Can you tell if it was the zip file that was opened in your text editor, or the uncompressed installer application?



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Yes, the downloaded file had .zip at the end. I used Firefox and told it to save the file rather than open in.

Then I went to the desktop, double clicked the zip file, and it uncompressed.

This gave me a folder named "7.0.2osxinstalfolder" Inside the folder was another one labeled "_MacOSX" and a file named "7.0.2 OSX Installer" it is this last file that my computer is reading as a text file and opened with text edit.


By contrast, when I downloaded the dmg file and mounted the disk image, the installer showed up on the "disk" with a box icon, and ran as an installer.


For the record, I'm using Mac OS 10.4.7

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Ok, for some reason the uncompressed installer file has been recognized as a folder, rather than as a package, by the sounds of it.


Not sure what to suggest. Maybe it's just a momentary blip. You should just ignore it unless it happens again, with other files.



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