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"Scholars Version" of gospels and authentic letters of Paul by Jesus Seminar/Westar Institute/Polebridge Press


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I would love to be able to use within Accordance the translations of early Christian literature done by the Jesus Seminar/Westar Institute/Polebridge Press. The Complete Gospels: Annotated Scholars Version (http://www.westarins...letefourth.html; ) contains translations of all gospels, canonical and extra-canonical, from the first two centuries CE. Along the same lines, The Authentic Letters of Paul: A New Reading of Paul's Rhetoric and Meaning (http://www.westarins...henticpaul.html) offers a stunning, fresh, colloquial translation of the authentic letters of Paul. Besides using these in my own research, I would love to be able to call them up in an instant on my classroom Macs, to compare these translations with the original language texts and with alternative translations. It would be a boost to learning in my classrooms.

Edited by rfowler
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  • 9 years later...

Apparently every ten years or so I suggest here that the Scholars Version of the gospels and the letters of Paul should be available on the Accordance platform.


Once again I'll also reach out to the folks at Westar/Polebridge Press to ask them about making their translations available digitally, somehow, some way.


I'd love to hear that someone in the Accordance world (staff? users?) has heard and considered my interest in this!  FYI, I'm retired now, so I'm not in a college classroom regularly, but I still do church gigs, and I'm preparing right now for a church class, and it's frustrating to have to copy words manually, one by one, from a printed book!

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Hi @rfowler,

I don't really know, but I think the second sentence you wrote above concerning the publisher is the key issue. Accordance provides a wide range of resources, but everything they provide needs to be available to them from the publisher. If the publisher has not created an Accordance compatible license, there is not much they can do. Also, I am not sure how popular the resource is given that it is in a "colloquial translation."  Because of that, I would imagine it is competing both with other paraphrases and also with other scholarly work which tries to be more literal.


I may be completely off the mark, but that is my impression given what you wrote above.

Take care,


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What you suggest here makes perfect sense. I have reached out (again) to Westar/Polebridge about making their translation efforts available digitally, and I intend to pursue this as far as I can. I know a bunch of the scholars involved in their work going back decades, and I intend to enlist them in this effort.

Thanks again.

Bob Fowler

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