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analysis language

Barn Owl

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My accordance journey has been a little rough and very frustrating so far, hopefully this will help a bit.


My question is that when I do a word search, the analysis is completely devoid of the original languages unlike what I see on the podcasts. I have looked around for answers and haven't come across anything. What am I doing wrong?

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Barn Owl:


Some screen shots may help me understand what type of searches you are running. The analysis or analytics isn't a monolithic window; it's very malleable to suit your query. Of course, if you are running a search on an English text (without Key Numbers), Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, Latin, what have you, will not appear. Regardless, get to know the command-t keyboard shortcut, which calls up the Set Analysis Display. In the set Analysis Display, you can manipulate the data. Perhaps if you could give me an example of a search you are attempting to run, I could give you a few pointers.


Welcome to the forums and Accordance!

Edited by James Tucker
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ok, I see where I was going wrong. I was using a version without strongs. Thanks for your patience, I'm still learning the little details

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Hi Barn Owl,

(I bet that's not your real name :-) ). We love helping people work stuff out on Accordance, so please feel free to ask for help on the forums. You said you have looked around for the answer to your questions, so I assume you have looked at Accordance's award-winning help files here and I see you mentioned that you looked at the podcasts here. They are both amazing resources. Can I recommend another look at podcast #25 "Key numbered texts" and #66 "Enhanced Key Numbers"


Let us know how you go.

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