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I'm loving the new books

Chuck Schneider

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Originally, the main thing that I wanted from Accordance for iOS was the ability to read some of the books more conveniently on the plane, in a train, in the comfy chair, in bed, etc. and, although there were some early interface issues, that requirement was met on the first day.


In the meantime, the interface and features have improved so much that I'm now using the app in ways that hadn't occurred to me back then.


With all the new books coming out, I was reminded of how much I appreciate having Accordance for iOS around just for the books.


Thanks again for that (and for the new books).

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As more and more single title books are released, the need grows ever greater for the ability to take notes within those books, especially on the iOS app.

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I'm with you, Rick. I don't like to buy some of this stuff in Amazon because their formatting often makes the book unusable, and if it has charts, you're really sunk.


Accordance formatting is always quality, but I am frustrated by the inability to only highlight but not add notes as I would in a hard copy or even Amazon. Top of my feature requests for iOS.

Edited by Julie Falling
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I think the ability to easily create notes is a must on the iOS devices. I like to have the ability to run advanced searches on the iPad. To be honest, the iAccord app is more of a place to read for me. The more advanced searches are easily (and quickly) done on the Mac. My iPad serves two roles (perhaps three). 1. Reading Device; 2. Writing/Research Device; and 3. Entertainment (social media and movies).

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Agree with need for notes. Accordance is otherwise a good app for reading on an iPad.

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I agree about note taking.

And also, dare I mention it again, bookmarks are a really important needed feature. The reading experience is so limited without them. You dare not go too far away from where you have got to in the book, and certainly can't do searches in a book you are reading.



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I will have to concur with the need to be able to make notes and also to have bookmarks. It would be an awesome feature.

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I too would love notes and bookmarks to make reading, browsing and moving around in the book more helpful.

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