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Do you use Accordance for iPhone on Sundays?

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I use a combination of Accordance on my iPad, YouVersion on my (Android) phone (I know, I know...), and Evernote on my iPad. Accordance helps me quickly run through references, investigate context, and overview multiple verses at once. I use YouVersion to stay with the main text for when I've switched over to Evernote on the iPad for note taking.


A fair number of people at the church that I am at now bring their iPads, iPad minis, and I've seen some BB Playbooks too. It's definitely not as difficult walking into a church service these days with an iPad as it was a couple of years ago. Once, before the iPad app was out, I brought my late 15" MacBook Pro (I miss it) into the service so I could follow along with Accordance. I definitely got some funny looks that day!


I would love to bring a laptop in to church to follow along with Accordance, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Part of it is that, as much as I love Accordance and all the various technologies available to us, it is nice to have a break from "screen time" every so often....I am definitely guilty, though, of asking my wife to lug around my heavy Reader's Hebrew and Greek Bible in her purse on Sundays.

  • 2 weeks later...

I think we're touching on some good things here, Accordance's useability on the fly.
Like many here I use Accordance on iPad, phone too small. But also, like many here, I don't use the notes and often use Olive Tree instead.

Accordance is probably not designed for use in a live, fluid environment, but more for sit down study. The results of that are the clunky note process and the slow response of the long press and search/amplify results.

For these reasons I find myself using another app or Olive Tree for notes. They have a fast, fluid transition from text to notes and back as well as resources not available in Accordance.

I don't think this is a negative since Accordance is most likely not designed with this in mind, but if it were to evolve in that direction I would be very happy.

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I always have my phone and find that is usually adequate (accordance on iPhone and previously youvision on android). This was particularly useful when we had a couple who only spoke French visiting us regularly as I was able to share a French translation with them. Not sure why they came but I also translated the service for them and translated all the headings on the data projection so that they could see where we were in the service. However, if I am likely to take notes using notes I make sure I have the iPad with me as I find that easier to type on for longer periods. I am happy reading on the iPhone and its great to be able to switch translations and even look at study material quickly but I can't type quickly enough on the small screen. However at conferences, most people are interested in the additional features and the iPad is also much better for sharing. Interestingly though someone was complaining about being at a church where everyone was playing on their phone during their talk and hadn't realised that people were probably following the passage on their mobile devices ;o). As all the Church of England liturgy is available in PDF format, I also have that on both devices but will only lead services using the iPad as I am usually using parts from 3 or more different files (and different apps as I also need my music scores as well as my notes).

Edited by ukfraser

I would always use my iPhone on a sunday. But seldom on Shabbat. But this answer is probably slightly off-topic. :)

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