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search for a series of Hebrew words


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I am a little bit ashamed of the question I come with, but I wonder if it possible with Accordance to select, let's say two or three words in a row and paste them into the search field? I tried it in vain.


Thanks for any help.



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Hi Amir,


Don't be ashamed at all. Sometimes it's the simplest little problems that everyone faces! :)


select your words and then CTRL-Click (or right click). In the drop down menu select either "Search for => Lemma" if you want to search for the lexical entries for the words, or "Search for => Inflected" if you want those exact words.




It works the same way in English, but the options are "Search for => Word" or "Search for => Key Number" (if you have a keyed English text).

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Ken is correct. Although you can copy and paste, the search needs to be correctly formatted for lemmas or inflected words, with separation between words and their prefixes and suffixes. This is why the right-click menu options are so helpful. They can also teach you how to format the searches.

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