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Select words in a passage according to their frequency


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I would like to filter out and export the most frequent Greek words from a passage. What I did so far was to select the range to Romans 5:1-8:39 and then used the command [count: 15-100]@[verb] (or with a noun, respectively). Then I changed the range from 10-100 to get some more. This way I have to go through the text manually, however. If the passage is longer then it gets more difficult. Is there a faster and smoother way to do it? Also, it would be nice if there was a way to export the results, listed by frequency.


Thank you in advance for the help!


Edited by markusj
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All of this is easily done with the Analysis, one of our analytics. First, run a search for '*' in the Words field to find every word in your passage. Then, select the Analytics button that looks like a small bar chart to the left of the Add Parallel button. From that menu, choose 'Analysis'.


The resulting Analysis zone is extremely powerful and customizable. Without going into too much unnecessary information, what you simply want is to change the Sort menu to 'Count Down'. Theres a lot more you can do with these results, so let me know if you have any other questions.

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All of this is easily done with the Analysis, one of our analytics. First, run a search for '*' in the Words field to find every word in your passage. Then, select the Analytics button that looks like a small bar chart to the left of the Add Parallel button. From that menu, choose 'Analysis'.

I have Romans 6—just Romans 6—in a text window. I put in the * in the Words field and it finds every word in the whole Bible! Do I have to define a range that contains only Romans 6 first? Or is there an easier way?
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Well, the reason why the '*' search found text in the entire bible is that we don't reuse or add searches. When you run a new search, you see everything defining it right away. So, if there happened to be an earlier Romans 6 displayed, since that went away, it is no longer affecting your search.


There are two ways to limit your Range in the search. The first is by defining a new Range, as we mentioned earlier, via Command-R. The second way is by adding a RANGE command to your search. So, your search string would look like this:

* <AND> [RANGE rom 6]


You can type it pretty quickly using Shift-Command-A for the command, and Shift-Command-R for the [RANGE] command.


Now, these two types of Range definitions aren't 100% exactly the same, but they overlap in a lot of ways, including the usage we are talking about here.

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You can type it pretty quickly using Shift-Command-A for the <AND> command, and Shift-Command-R for the [RANGE] command.
Thanks Joel. That's great!
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