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Theme Changes Caused a Crash

Mark Nigro

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I encountered a complete crash (immediate shutdown) of Accordance today while changing/customizing themes on the BHS and LXX from the library pane, using the "Set Default Display." It happened after making roughly 3 changes per text, exiting the "Set Display" pane, and reentering to make one final change on the BHS. After restarting Accordance, I attempted the same changes (which had been lost) and Accordance shut down again. Restarting to make a third attempt allowed me to complete the changes without a crash. This the first crash of this kind that I have encountered. When I have some time to experiment I will try reproducing the crash again. Running Acc 10.0.2 on 2009 MBP 13" with 8GB RAM.


Can you email us the crash report from the Console?


Helen, just sent it over to your email. Please let me know if you need anything else/more. Thanks.


Thanks, Mark. We were able to find and fix the crash for the next release.


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