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Page numbers in search hits of Anchor Dictionary

Mark Nigro

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I thought I should post about the symbols that appear in place of the page numbers after a search is run in the Anchor Dictionary, in case this is a bug. Rather than displaying page numbers for the corresponding search results, the "%@" symbols appear (see screen shot). This eventually gets corrected after scrolling through the hits with the "MK" button, and the problem is intermittent, not always being present in every search.


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I know this doesn't help much Mark, but it looks fine on mine. I have tried about a dozen different searches and paged back and forward using the "mark" arrows.


Often helps to include OS revision, Accordance version and text version (about this text).


Hope you get it sorted out.

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Thanks Ken, good reminder! Here is the info:


Mac OS 10.7.4

Accordance 9.6.3

Anchor Yale Dictionary Version 3.5


I will experiment over the next few days to see what specifics reproduce it. As I mentioned in the first post, it is intermittent and seems to be self correcting.

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