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Compare Texts

Robb B

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When using the compare texts and list text differences in Version 7, does it matter if the user uses keyed texts? Thanks! Already thoroughly enjoying it!

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When using the compare texts and list text differences in Version 7, does it matter if the user uses keyed texts? Thanks! Already thoroughly enjoying it!


Nope, the comparison works for the first two texts you have open that are the same language. For instance, I could have NIV-G/K open with HCSB and they will compare, or NIV-G/K with KJVS. I could also have open both the GNT-T and GNT-TR and it will compare those two also.

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Thank you for version 7.0!


Is it possible to compare different Biblical texts in addition to different versions of the same verse? I would like to compare the Hebrew Text of Chronicles with its parallel texts.

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Is it possible to compare different Biblical texts in addition to different versions of the same verse? I would like to compare the Hebrew Text of Chronicles with its parallel texts.


No... But if it could, it sure would take a LOT of tedium out of the kinds of comparisons of texts that feed into textual criticism!!

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No, you can view them in the Parallel window, but this feature does not work there, sorry. The texts have to match in chapter and verse.

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May I suggest to add this feature for version 8? In addition to be able to compare the parallel verses within the BHS-W4, it would be also great to compare the OT (LXX) quotations in the NT with the LXX and also the Qumran Biblical texts with BHS-W4.


After working on this release and answering all these questions, I also suggest you keep the Sabbath this weekend and get some rest :-)

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When comparing the ESV and the NASB I get a text difference when the ESV has a "*" after a word linking it to the ESV notes. I've tried telling Accordance to ignore punctuation, but it still shows this as a text difference. Is there a way to have it ignore superscripts like that when comparing texts? Turning off superscripts didn't work either. It still "sees" the asterisk even though I can't see it. Thanks!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is there an answer to my question about superscripts, like in the ESV for example? The compare texts doesn't work very well with the ESV because it factors in all the superscripts even when I hide them. Thanks!

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We would need to add another option in the Preferences to ignore superscripts, don't know when we will get to that.

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Actually, Accordance DOES ignore the superscripts. The asterisk character in ESV is not technically superscripted, which is why it is not being ignored.

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We are already working to consider the asterisk as punctuation so that it can be ignored as well. Sorry my last post was less than accurate.

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Can't you just use the ESVp instead of ESV to compare? It lacks these crossref superscripts.

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The ESVp is not available. It was a temporary solution before we enabled you to hide the superscripts when viewing, printing, and copying.

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