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Updates on Apparatus and German CD-ROMs

Helen Brown

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The availability of Apparatus modules for Accordance opens a major new dimension for Biblical studies. See the Article on Apparatus modules.


The CNTTS Apparatus project was delayed by hurricane Katrina, but the next phase is now complete. We are happy to announce release 2 with the addition of Acts and the general epistles (James through Jude) and corrections to the Gospels.

NT Apparatus CD-ROM
release 3 ....$10 (as upgrade or for future unlocks, corrections to Tischendorf, major upgrade to CNTTS)

CNTTS Apparatus
unlock ....now only $100 (includes price of CD-ROM)

Mac Studienbibel CD-ROM official release will ship this week. We will ship it at no charge to those who purchased the pre-release version. It includes the German Bible Society's Apparatus modules for the GNT-NA27 and the BHS.

Mac Studienbibel CD-ROM
Stuttgart Original Language Collection....$139

We are also releasing the Mac Bible Bibliothek CD-ROM with a new range of German Bibles and the option of a German language version of Accordance 6.9.2. Four of the Bibles are lemmatized to allow the user to find every form of a German word, two have dictionaries, and most have translator's notes or cross references.

Mac Bibel Bibliothek CD-ROM

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