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sorting words in a book


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Hi everyone,


is there a way to sort a given book (NT) according to all the words that appear by frequency (by count)?

If possible, the sort should lump all words with different inflections but have the same root word as the same.


thanks everyone!


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It's really easy. First search the book for words using an asterisk to find all words. Either have the range set in the pop-up menu, or use the argument with a RANGE command such as * [RANGE Mat].


Then select Analysis from the pop-up menu on the search tab (Details button, with a bar chart on it in version 9). By default the words appear by lemma, listed alphabetically. You can change the order right there in the pop-up menu on this tab. You can go to Set Analysis Display to determine many other sort and display options. Do try the Window Help (Window menu) on these windows for more details of what you can do.

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