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Copy issues

A. Smith

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When copying text from the notes window (the 'reading' window, not the 'edit' window), the selected txt is not copied--only random words. For example, I copy a paragraph of my notes about Jesus' proclamation of the kingdom and paste it into a pages doc and all I get is 'King', or, on a second shot, 'proclamation'.

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When copying text from the notes window (the 'reading' window, not the 'edit' window), the selected txt is not copied--only random words. For example, I copy a paragraph of my notes about Jesus' proclamation of the kingdom and paste it into a pages doc and all I get is 'King', or, on a second shot, 'proclamation'.


I have noticed a similar problem when I was copying from the NET Bible notes into Word. It was doing some strange things. I have just posted about a different problem in a new topic.

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I believe these issues are related - apparently there is a bug in the styling of text copied in 9.3 that we'll get fixed asap.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I did not have any problems copying text until I installed 9.3.2 yesterday. Now it is often impossible to copy text at all and at other times regular text turns into all upper case when pasted. I have had this problem on two different computers today, both running Accordance 9.3.2 and Mac OS 10.6.7.

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Can you post specific examples of a failed copy?

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The problem at the moment is in the Holman Dictionary (v. 1.3). Under the entry for "Jonah, Book Of" try copying the second paragraph. The first 15 words come out as all-caps, even though they are upper/lower in Accordance. Here is the way it copies: "THE MAJOR POWER IN THE MIDDLE EAST DURING JONAH

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Here is an example of text not copying at all. Again, in the Holman Dictionary under the entry for "Jonah, Book Of." I cannot copy the third paragraph of this article at all using either the keyboard shortcut or the Edit>>Copy menu option. However, I can copy it using the "Copy as Citation" option and it will paste into other programs with no problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been experiencing the Copy problem in several areas... the latest is when I tried to copy about a couple of sentences (63 words and 368 characters including spaces) from the Study of KJV General Tool to the Stickies and Mail and to Word. I achieved a margin of success with Word, but there were more strange extraneous characters preceding the text than the actual quote! What copied into Word was way beyond the 63 words I attempted to select and copy. Here are the counts for what actually copied into Word: 4 pages , 207 words , 1530 characters not including spaces , 1631 characters including spaces , 3 paragraphs, and 56 lines. . I just successfully copied the following string "CLELAND BOYD McAFEE, D.D." Perhaps this will help.


I hope this is fixed soon. Now I just encountered something that might be helpful http://www.accordancebible.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/huh.gif



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