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Citation Issues

Calvin Lindstrom

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It seems that the upgrade to 9.2.1 has caused some issues with the citation feature. Has anyone else experienced problems with this?


The problem that I have noted seems to be at least twofold.


1. The citation is broken up into several lines when posting from lexicons.

2. The citation seems to have a strange way of listing the volume - there are two numbers listed before the colon. I don't think I have seen this before.


It is possible that this is all my fault, but I thought I should raise the issue since has just come to my attention after upgrading.

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Can you provide a specific example so I can test the same thing?

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Try doing a citation from either HALOT or NIDOTTE. These are the two works that were giving me problems yesterday. Thanks.

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Just tested with 9.2.1 and both NIDOTTE and HALOT. Everything worked as expected. See here:


post-5629-097224400 1298734507_thumb.png


What word processor are you using? Can you provide a screen shot to show me what it looks like?

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I am using Word 2011. I was not having problems with citations until I upgraded to 9.2.1.


I noticed that I am having problems also with BDAG as can be noted in the screenshot.

post-1778-097225400 1298736300_thumb.png

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I'll check this out. You're using Turabian whereas I was using SBL, but that shouldn't matter. Since I got Word 2011 it crashes everytime I launch it

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Fixed Word 2011, and everything works.


post-5629-007259200 1298737198_thumb.png

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I can confirm that the issue occurs when Unicode export is not used, i.e. when using our native fonts for export of Greek/Hebrew. I'll ask one of our programmers to look into this as it should not be occurring.


However, I strongly encourage using Unicode for all original language work.

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Thanks for your help. I made the change to my preferences (export as unicode) and that has seemingly fixed the issue I was having. There seems to be some change from 9.2 to 9.2.1, but it may be a font issue.



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  • 3 months later...

Thank you, Accordance, for 9.3.3. Several issues I had with previous versions have been solved. I can also now paste Hebrew Unicode much better into Word 2011, even though Word doesn't do a very good job generally with Unicode fonts. Your dedication to excellence continues to be evident.

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Thank you. Yes, there were many issues to deal with in exporting Citations and Unicode. We hope we have it all working better now.

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