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MacArthur Commentary: 1 Thes Selected but 2 Thes Displayed


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As shown in the attached screen shot, the MacArthur Commentary module displays a 2 Thessalonians text whenever a search for a 1 Thessalonians text has been ran.


Thankfully, the reverse is not true. If I enter a 2 Thessalonians reference, the expected 2 Thessalonians text is displayed.


I am able to get around this by opening the MacArthur module via the Library and then browsing to the text I am attempting to study.


Thank you for providing this forum so that we can post the bugs that present themselves in the fields of our Father. How good it is to know that each has but a few days to live once their existence is verified by the Accordance bug-whack squad.



Joyfully Magnifying God's Glory Through Jesus,


Daniel Burrow

Pastor for Preaching,

Open Heart Baptist Church,

Selah, WA

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We'll be updating MacArthur with new volumes soon (sorry, it won't be free), and we'll be sure to fix it for that release.

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We'll be updating MacArthur with new volumes soon (sorry, it won't be free), and we'll be sure to fix it for that release.


That is wonderful news. I have the print versions of all of MacArthur's NT commentaries and look forward to having the new volumes available on Accordance!

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