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As best as I can recall what happened:


I set up a highlighting scheme called "My Highlights" for marking BDAG Lexicon. I set up another scheme (called "TRANSFORMATION) for marking the ASV on the topics of love (pink) & glory (yellow).

I highlighted from Genesis 1-7 using TRANSFORMATION.

Then I decided to add a 3rd highlight color for structure (turquoise).

After defining turquoise, I hit OK.


Then Accordance crashed & I got the Apple invitation to report the crash to Apple, which I did.

I brought back up Accordance & all my highlighting was gone.

I found that the highlighting scheme TRANSFORMATION had lost all its colors, though the (empty) scheme still existed.

Then I changed the scheme to MY HIGHLIGHTS and the highlighting I had done showed up on the ASV. However, MY HIGHLIGHTS does not have the color scheme palette of TRANSFORMATION, but its own scheme.


So, I am at a loss as to how to fix this situation.


Is there anyway to get back the text as I highlighted it & have the Transformation palette? If I use the Transformation scheme now, the work I already did is missing. If I use the MY HIGHLIGHTS scheme & change it to be as the Transformation was, then I have lost the color scheme I use on BDAG.


Perhaps there should be some way to save a color scheme & the text worked on somewhere, somehow.

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