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When working on my text study for a wedding on Saturday, when I was moving from one verse to another in my user notes (command Down arrow) Accordance reliably crashes. And it's not just a crash (with the spinning ball and the crash dialog box)---No, it's an immediate quit as if I had quit the program itself. So please add this to the list of bugs.


Likewise there are a number of weird things going on with the user tools too:


1) Font re-shifting

2) inability to make heirarchies in titles

3) crashing when updating


I don't want to inundate you all with bugs. But, I also didn't want to omit them either, since, if you don't know about them, you can't fix them.



  • 3 months later...

I have just had one of those problems happening. I just finished a user note and clicked the Update button. It was "an immediate quit as if I had quit the program itself". At the time, I thought I must have somehow quit Accordance so I tried again and the same thing happened. It was then that I searched the Forums to see if anybody else had had similar problems (isn't it great that we can do this!). I wonder if anybody had been able to help Outis with this. Thank you.



  • 2 weeks later...

I was just starting to try using User Notes and am having the same problem.




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