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IVP Collection


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I just purchased the Essential IVP Collection, maybe it will get here before Christmas! I am looking forward to digging into and enjoying this collection.


With so many included titles I imagine it will take some time to incorporate these into my workflow.


Anybody have any advice on how to best utilize these tools in study? Which titles have benefited you the most?


Any input and insight would be greatly appreciated!






I intend to purchase the same package so I also would be interested in knowing the same thing. Merry Christmas Accordance Forum members.




This set of Accordance modules is one of my favorites! I have planned a podcast on them for some time, but other topics keep pushing off the production date.


First, I'd recommend constructing a custom workspace, have your favorite Bible there, then add the IVP Reference tools in parallel panes: "Hard Sayings," NB Commentary, OT Commentary and NT Commentary. That will give you the basics in the main tab. Now, add the IVP Altas in its own tab (dbl-click on it in the Library [it's a General Tool.]).



The New Bible dictionary is one of the best one volume dictionaries around. Depending on what else is in your collection, I'd recommend you make it the triple-click default for your Bible (Click in the Bible, then type Cmd-T to access the preferences for it.).


The rest of the IVP Essentials (nine dictionaries) I think I'd group so they could be searched together. They are all English Tools, so make a custom tool set using the stack of blue books icon on the Resource Palette. By then adding the group to "Favorites," you'll be able to search them using the right-click function.


Enjoy! :D


Good advice, Tim, except that setting the default dictionary is done (for everything but the Atlas) by making it the top English tool in the Library window.


Good advice, Tim, except that setting the default dictionary is done (for everything but the Atlas) by making it the top English tool in the Library window.



Right you are, Helen! I guess last week's podcast is still on my mind...


BTW all, dragging the NB Commentary (or any of the other IVP Reference Tools) to the top of the Reference Tool category will make it the default. That means that hovering the cursor over the verse reference while pressing the command key will show the comments for that verse in the Instant Details Box.


I received my software in just two days. Thanks Accordance!


Thank you for the input. Any other advice is still welcomed.


Dr. J, hope you get a chance to do a podcast on the IVP Reference Collection. Your others have been great and very helpful. Keep up the good work!





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