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Accordance makes it easy to search on the טעמי המקרא (Teʿamim Hamikra / Cantillation marks). In Accordance you can type or select the marks you from the character pallet into the search entry bar or you can use a construct search. You can search for individual canitllations, pairs of cantillation, or strings of cantillation. If you for example were learning how to chant the Torah (Pentatuech) or were teaching someone how to do so most likely the first Canitllation Pattern might be the Etnachta Clause and maybe also the Sof-Pasuk Clause. Both the aforementioned types of clauses appear in the first verse of the book of Genesis. If you were teaching someone to chant you might like to find other examples for practice and with Accordance that is easy to do.


The first pattern the Ethnachta Clause is basically any Clause that ends with an Ethnachta accent. In Genesis 1:1 that would be tipcha (Tipha) + munach (Munah) + Ethnachta (Atnah).

A construct search for the Ethnachta Clause pattern found in Genesis 1:1 would look like the the image below:



The next pattern found in the last half of Genesis 1:1 is the Sof-Pasuk Clause. A Sof Pasuk clause is any clause ending with a Sof Pasuk. In Genesis 1:1 that would be 

mercha (merka) + tipcha (tipha)+ mercha (merka)  + sof-pasuk (silluq). A silluq will also pick up the sof-pasuk that it is attached to. You may also notice that the WITHIN box or set to 1-2 words the reason for this is that in this search prefixs are counted as words:





Now, if you want to search for verses that contain the same accent/cantillation pattern as the entirety of Genesis 1:1 then you might do so like this:



Thanks for reading and Happy Searching!

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