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Unhandled Exception, Failing to Start, Missing Modules—How to Start Over?


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I had an interruption during module install on since then have had nothing but problems. I've uninstalled, cleared temporary files, reinstalled, manually deleted all the Accordance Files contents, etc.—multiple times. Every time I go to reinstall, I'm prompted with a window that mentions the previous installation and being unable to find the files. I'd like to try a totally clean/fresh install but can't find what is triggering the installer to know there was a previous installation. 


I can usually get the program to run one time after installing if I change the Accordance Files location to something different during the install process. However, none of the modules are available (obviously) so I have to reinstall them all. (And even then it still doesn't find BDAG so I don't get an option to set it as my primary Greek lexicon.) Then when the program opens, it'll run for a few seconds then hit me with an error saying the program needs to close. It gives me the option to close now or to ignore. Either way, the application will not open again after the error, even after restarting. 


2024-07-28 07:55:45

Accordance has encountered an unhandled exception.
The information in this file may help us fix this problem for a future version.

You can report this error by posting this file on our forums at:
Or emailing it to support@accordancebible.com
We hope to implement automatic error reporting soon.

Accordance 14.0.9 (
Windows 11 (10.0.22631)
RAM: 44460MB free of 65192MB total
Disc: 699GB free of 953GB total

Exception Description:
  EAccessViolation: Access violation
Exception Thread: 
  1-1-16464: Main Thread
Exception Backtrace: 


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I've hit stubborn Accordance bugs like this once or twice, where even a complete uninstall + clean install didn't help.

In my case, there was some kind of corruption in a file that was only resolved by first installing from the server, then replacing that file with one that an Accordance programmer provided (possibly through email).


Try contacting tech support. They've been very good at diagnosing and fixing the more extreme Accordance problems I've encountered.

Edited by Lawrence
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