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How to search for all significant shared Hebrew words and phrases between two Bible chapters/passages?


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I use Accordance frequently to do basic word/phrase searches in the Hebrew bible but I've recently come across a feature called the Tanakh Lab on alhatorah.com that can pull up any two chapters/passages (you set your own range), side-by-side and tagged, to highlight in different colors all shared words and phrases. It's the most practically beneficial tool I've ever seen to aid in identifying possible parallels for inner-biblical allusions. Here is a link: https://mg.alhatorah.org/TanakhLab Moreover, it seems the default setting on the Tanakh Lab excludes very common, unimportant words, such as prepositions, and it seems you can narrow or widen how much you want to be filtered out in the search settings. 


My immediate thought was "Surely Accordance can do the same thing as this free website, and hopefully better!" So, my question is, can it? Is it possible to pull up two passages side-by-side, with all shared words/phrases highlighted in such a practically beneficial way? Or what is the closest Accordance equivalent? I would really appreciate a detailed description of how to do so, ideally including screenshots or video, as I've found that some of Accordance's search commands can have a bit of a learning curve.


On a side-note, if Accordance can't do this I highly suggest they add a future feature that can.

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This is what the INFER command is for. What two passages would you like to compare?

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Ok, so this is really weird. I have a similar question and got online just now to search for it. I'm interested no in learning about INFER as well. Since these are related, I'm going to drop my question here. I'm sure there is a simple way that I'm overlooking.


I'd like to research all of the unique words in various books of the NT. I.e. What GK words are only used in Ephesians?


What search would I perform?


Then, on to INFER!

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Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, Mark Allison said:

This is what the INFER command is for. What two passages would you like to compare?

It really doesn't matter as I would use this everywhere. For example purposes though, perhaps we could compare 1 Sam 18 with Gen 29 in the MT?

Edited by Weatherby23
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The INFER search is a four-step process:

1) Create a tab and search for 1 Sam 9. 

2) Duplicate the tab (File —>Duplicate Tab)


3) In the second tab, set the range (you'll have to create one) to Gen. 29:

4) Insert the INFER command, set the number of words to "4" and press "Return." NOTE: the standard 6-word search is preferred, but in this case, there are no hits for 6-word phrases in this search. 



If you want to see where these phrases occur in 1 Sam 9, right-click on one of the references in the second tab and select "Search Back Linked Text."



Edited by Mark Allison
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To answer your question @josephbradford, you'll want to use the HITS command.

1) Create a tab and search for all the words in the NT except for Ephesians: * [RANGE matt-Gal; Phil-rev]


2) Duplicate the tab, set the range to Ephesians, and enter the following command in the second tab: *@-[HITS NA28 Greek NT]


3) If you want to see a word list, click on the "Analysis" analytic:


Edited by Mark Allison
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This works splendidly. Thank you!


This may be asking a bit much, could you explain the reasoning behind this, or perhaps link me to a video from Accordance? 


The reason I ask is, what if I wanted to expand this and search for all of Paul's unique words? Or perhaps compare Paul's vocab and Luke's. This kind of thing is interesting to me because Paul and Luke were co-laborers/fellow-workers, I might like to see overlaps in vocabulary usage. 


I have a keen interest in behavioral science/economics and how one person might influence another is intriguing to say the least. I studied Ladd's book on The Pattern of NT Truth several years ago and have never gotten over it. LOL 

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Thank you so much for both of those detailed answers Mark!

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if only Mark were still working for Accordance... just saying things were a lot better back then

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2 hours ago, Leopold Green said:

if only Mark were still working for Accordance... just saying things were a lot better back then

I wish @David Lang had more time to comment on these forums. Everything I know about Accordance I learned from him. Literally. 

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