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ETCBC Tagging of וְהִֽשְׁתַּחֲוִ֛יתָ in Deuteronomy 30:17

Lorinda H. M. Hoover

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I was working on translating Deuteronomy 30:15-20, which is my preaching text for Sunday, when I ran across an odd tagging in ETCBC.  For the word וְהִֽשְׁתַּחֲוִ֛יתָ, it provides the following tagging information:


הִֽשְׁתַּחֲוִ֛יתָ  (חוה) חוה־1 Verb hof perf 2 masc sing  make known, declare


This surprised me even before I pulled up HALOT, as it sure looked to be what I learned to call a hishtaphel.  When checking Halot, 1-חוה does not have a hophil/hofil form, nor does the definition make sense in the context of Deuteronomy 30:17.  On the other hand, 2-חוה lists this specific inflected form as an eštaf, and the definition (worship/fall prostrate) makes total sense in this context.


Both HMT-W4 and BHS-T tag וְהִֽשְׁתַּחֲוִ֛יתָ as being from , 2-חוה, and list it as a "histaf"


I've reported it as a correction already, but I though I'd ask about it here, in case I'm missing something.  I'm well aware that my Hebrew is rusty and that theories about grammar, etc. have evolved since I formally studied Hebrew 30 some years ago. 

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I can't help other than to suggest also asking at The Biblical Hebrew Forum and/or on Twitter. On Twitter, you might at-mention some or all of the Twitter users in this thread: 


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You're not missing anything. The "HOF" parsing is just incorrect.

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1 hour ago, Robert Holmstedt said:

You're not missing anything. The "HOF" parsing is just incorrect.


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I just did some checking, and it looks like all of the hishtaphel forms of  2-חוה are incorrectly marked as hophil/hof of 1-חוה־.


Note only that but 1-חוה־ and 2-חוה are swapped around in the ETCBC, and there are errors in the box that comes up when you choose Search>Enter Inflected Form:



See how all the glosses for all the different חוה roots are the same....and that's true for the next set of words in the image that have the same spelling but are considered different words with different meanings.


Compare the same box when the HMT-W4 is the chosen text:


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