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Textbook of Aramaic Documents

A.D. Riddle

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I have few questions about this title. Does the Accordance module include:

(1) the glossaries? I know there is one in volume 3. It seems there is not one in volume 1. I am not sure about volumes 2 and 4.

(2) introductions and concordances of texts?

(3) tables, charts, and excurses?


Does this item ever go on sale?



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I can show some screenshot examples if you need them.

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Text answers are adequate, if anyone knows. Does this item ever go on sale?




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I'd have to look it up and see if we've put it on sale. I could do that Monday.

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@A.D. Riddle


I don't have access to the print volumes. I scrolled through the Aramaic tagged version and its corresponding English volume in Accordance and:


1. I didn’t see any glossary, including in vol. 3.


2. I didn’t see any introductions or concordances. There is nothing like the kind of introductions in say, The Context of Scripture.


There are brief titles, e.g., “A1.1 The Letter of King Adon (J. 86984 = 3483).” Some titles add a few comments, e.g., “A3.1 Cowley 54 (Sachau Plate 36): Exchange of Letters re 10 Asses. First half of 5th century B.C.E.” In the “Ostraca & Assorted Inscriptions” volume there are brief comments and descriptions, e.g., “unpublished,” “painted,” “engraved,” “incised,” “Funerary Stela,” “convex,” “concave,” “unclassified fragment,” etc.


3. I didn’t see any tables, charts, or excurses.


The only other thing I saw is:


Explanation of Type Styles

            Certain text

            [Restored text]

            (Addition required by English style)

            [Probable restoration]

            supralinear addition


            . . . = missing or uncertain text


            d = alternate readings


            Extra space: original with scribe (usually in address for seal and cord)

            5Line numbers of Aramaic text

            (ERASURE: or)

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16 hours ago, A.D. Riddle said:

(1) the glossaries? I know there is one in volume 3. It seems there is not one in volume 1. I am not sure about volumes 2 and 4.

(2) introductions and concordances of texts?

(3) tables, charts, and excurses?


It's important to note that this module is two modules in Accordance: TAD-T (Aramaic from Egypt) Tagged and TAD-E (TAD English). TAD-E can be opened in two ways, either in parallel with TAD-T as a Text, or as a standalone Tool. Opening it as a Tool does not seem to reveal the items you are interested in, and an old post by @Helen Brown suggests it also does not include the Yardeni drawings either.



I would like to see an update to this module to include these items also.

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I'll also push for an update on this.

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In volume 3, there is a general introduction for the entire volume that covers topics such as: Papyrology, Graphics, and Accounts and Lists. I do not see introductions to individual texts or groups of texts. The "Explanation of Type Styles" is part of the additional material, but there is more. Below are the contents to volume 3. Note: the glossary is an Aramaic-English glossary of the texts in volume 3, and it includes forms and a concordance of attestations. Some of the excurses and figures are also pretty helpful. These items are entirely text material, all apart from the Yardeni drawings which are not included. There are also two foldouts mentioned in the contents, but these seem not to be included in the library copy I am using.





Table of Contents
Concordance of Texts
Texts and Bibliography

          Accounts and Lists
Explanation of Type Styles and Key to Notes
C1.1-2 Literary Texts
          C1.1 Ahiqar
           C1.2 Cowley 71
C2 Historical Texts
          C2.1 Bisitun
C3.1-29 Accounts
C4.1-9 Lists
Figure 1. Order of Plates and Columns in Ahiqar (C1.1) and Customs Account (C3.7)
Figure 2. Concordance of Ahiqar Column, Line, and Saying Numbers (C1.1)
Figure 3. Monthly Total of Incoming Ships for 475 B.C.E. (C3.7)
Figure 4. Monthly Total of Outgoing Ships for 475 B.C.E. (C3.7)
Figure 5. Correspondence of Incoming and Outgoing Ships; Annotations (C3.7)
Figure 6. Monthly Customs Duty and Tithe Paid into the Royal Treasury; Annotations (C3.7)
Figure 7. Documents with Double Dates (C3.8, 12, 14; B2.6); Discussion of Chronology
Figure 8. Table of Equivalences and Values
Excursus 1. Structures and Themes in Ahiqar (C1.1)
Excursus 2. Discussion of Accounts
Excursus 3. Discussion of Customs Account (C3.7)



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Thanks, A.D.


Yes, that would all be very helpful. It’s incredible that it was all omitted.


I have taken graduate level biblical Aramaic and Jewish Palestinian Aramaic classes, but I’ve never taught it. According to WorldCat, TAD started coming out in 1986, the year I took biblical Aramaic with Gleason Archer at TEDS. We were also each assigned a letter from Cowley to point, translate, and present. Would it ever have been nice to have something like this volume way back then!



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My team is looking to see if it's ever been on sale. Since we don't know it off the top of our heads, probably been a while if we did put it on sale!

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