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Library bug, Accordance crashing in safe-mode


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System: Windows 11, Accordance 11.0.9


I tried to access Word Biblical Commentary but the two icons in the library for this resource (left panel after clicking the open book icon in the icon ribbon) appeared colourless and wouldn't open. Easy Install shows no resources and no updates, whether free or paid. I saved the workspace, quit Accordance, and reopened Accordance in Safe Mode. This is what I got:




Nothing I click in Accordance works, not even the 'x' to close Accordance.


I'd rather not reinstall Accordance from scratch. What can I do to get it working again?

Edited by Lawrence
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  • Lawrence changed the title to Library bug, Accordance crashing in safe-mode

Email Tech Support on this one. I also encountered a similar issue once, and I believe they emailed me something to get it working.

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Posted (edited)

This was urgent, so I tried calling the support line. They were too busy to take my call.


If you have it with you, could you please post the solution they suggested to you?

Edited by Lawrence
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I thought they had to email me a certain file or something along those lines. I can't remember exactly. 

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@Dr. Nathan Parker


This instance of Accordance is now completely unusable.

The application doesn't even launch without safe mode, and it hangs in safe mode.

I've emailed tech support and am awaiting a reply.


This bug is surprising because 14.0.9 had been fairly stable for me.

I suspect the problem is related to the library & Easy Install issues I've seen reported recently on the forums.

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Thanks for the update. Keep us posted on Tech Support's emails. You'll be in good hands with them.

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10 hours ago, Dr. Nathan Parker said:

Thanks for the update. Keep us posted on Tech Support's emails. You'll be in good hands with them.


Update: they asked me to try:

* safe mode + "Remove Startup Session"

* safe mode + "Remove Startup Session" + "Remove General Settings".


I tried both. Accordance crashed with the first, and it produced an "Accordance Error!" at the Easy Install step for the second after I clicked on "Updates" and then back on "Easy Install" when no resources showed up.



The Easy Install window was still live (the error popup wasn't a modal dialogue), and I clicked "Download All". After the downloads, I clicked "OK" in the "Accordance Error!" window as it recommended, and Accordance quit with a DOS-style error page.


Accordance launched, producing a messed-up workspace like the one I posted at the start of this thread. Clicking on the library icon toggled the library menu, but it appeared as a column in the middle of the window, not on the left in its usual place. Trying to open a new workspace didn't work. After closing the app, I tried to reopen it but it no longer launches when clicking on the Accordance icon in Windows.


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Thanks for the update. Keep working with Tech Support via email and keep us posted.

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WBC ended up in the Parallels category, and almost all the tools in that category failed to open.

Tech support advised re-organising all tools, then deleting the beige ones and downloading them again.

To re-organise: Edit -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Organize all Tools by Category


After the downloads completed, I could open WBC normally.

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Thanks for the update!

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Accordance ended up emailing me the syntax file to manually copy into place.

I followed the instructions to delete all the Parallels items, reload them (through Easy Install), copied the syntax file manually via Windows Explorer, and restarted Accordance.

This seems to have resolved the problem.


To the Accordance staff who helped - thank you!

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Glad you're all set! Tech Support had to send me that file on one of my machines as well.

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