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Anyone had success repairing Accordance with Sonoma?

David Shiflet

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I've seen posts of mixed success running Accordance on MacOS Sonoma. Many Accordance users report no problems. It appears that not an insignificant number, like me, have found Accordance utterly useless on Sonoma because all of our content, texts, and resources have disappeared.


My question: has anyone moved from the latter category to the former? Has anyone found a solution and regained their resources?


As I posted in another thread, most of my commentaries have vanished, along with the majority of my texts, including stock translations like KJV. Just gone.


Any solutions?

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Hi @David Shiflet,

I am really sorry to hear this. Do you use TimeMachine? If so, you might be able to get your resources back that way. Either way, I would suggest emailing tech support. 


They will hopefully be able to help restore it, and doing so might be diagnostically helpful for others having Accordance issues with Sonoma. 


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If you're a member of our beta test team, we're having some Sonoma users beta test Accordance 14.0.8 and give us feedback on it. If you're not a member of the beta test team, message me, and I'll add you to it.

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Apple released RC2 of Sonoma today so I would download that as well to see if it solves any issues.


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Are you testing the 14.0.8 beta? I thought you were.

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Thanks. I see where you posted in the beta forums. That'll be a help.

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RoaringApps website has this for Accordance:






The blue dot means "no data available" but note that this categorization is applied to Ventura as well as Sonoma. I am running Accordance 14.0.7 without issue on Ventura 13.6


I will hold on Sonoma till I receive some assurance that Accordance 14.x will run on it. This is especially true given the inauspicious debut of Accordance 14. While I am reasonably happy with Accordance 14, I did have to revert to Accordance 13 for a period of time.

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How can I revert to Accordance 13?

I have lost confidence in Accordance to solve their problem of compatibility with Ventura in a reasonable timeframe. 

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28 minutes ago, David Shiflet said:

How can I revert to Accordance 13?

I have lost confidence in Accordance to solve their problem of compatibility with Ventura in a reasonable timeframe. 


@David Shiflet Go to https://www.accordancebible.com/download-accordance/

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I wonder if it is only those with Intel chips that are struggling. Has anyone that has used the beta of Sonoma with Apple chips had issue? My laptop & desktop both have Apple chips ... so I'm toying with updating the laptop to see how things fair first.


MacBook Pro has M1, MacMini has M2 Pro.

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I'm running Accordance 14 without any major issues on Ventura. I don't have any extra Macs to test Sonoma on yet. 


I'm not going to upgrade to Sonoma until at least a bug fix update or two is released from Apple. I like to wait and hear how the overall experience for other Mac users before I pull the trigger on it. 


I did upgrade to iOS/iPadOS 17 this week. No major issues so far, but there are a few minor changes to it that i need to re-adjust my thinking.

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I have encountered at least 5 bugs when running Accordance 14 on Ventura and most of them are confirmed with the IT team.

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Sonoma plus accordance 14.07 constantly crashing - cannot even load it without errors. MacBook Pro 2016

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On 9/24/2023 at 8:07 AM, Tim Hall said:

I wonder if it is only those with Intel chips that are struggling. Has anyone that has used the beta of Sonoma with Apple chips had issue? My laptop & desktop both have Apple chips ... so I'm toying with updating the laptop to see how things fair first.


MacBook Pro has M1, MacMini has M2 Pro.

I think this may be correct. I have two machines running Sonoma and one still on Ventura. Of the two on Sonoma, the Mac Studio (M1 Ultra) is running Accordance fine. The iMac (Intel Core i7) on the other hand comes up saying that it can't find any of the texts etc. They're NOT actually missing - they are all still located in the same Library Application Support subdirectory, but Accordance can't seem to find them. 

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My Intel Mac also has the library issue.  I wonder if that is the root of the problem.  Somehow the Accordance install on Intel is different than the new M series Macs.  Hopefully Accordance can figure it out quickly.

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On 9/23/2023 at 6:07 PM, Tim Hall said:

I wonder if it is only those with Intel chips that are struggling. Has anyone that has used the beta of Sonoma with Apple chips had issue? My laptop & desktop both have Apple chips ... so I'm toying with updating the laptop to see how things fair first.


MacBook Pro has M1, MacMini has M2 Pro.

I'm on a M1 Pro MBP, and have had absolutely no issues with Accordance or Sonoma.  I've been running the release candidate since it came out a few weeks ago.

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I’m disappointed that the tech team from Accordance is not communicating with us to acknowledge this serious problem, nor report to Accordance users their progress correcting this issue. This is no minor bug. 

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I just ran into this bug, and it is a HUGE problem. I am still running an Intel Mac (2018), but I had run everything on Ventura with no problem. Sonoma seemed minor in most ways, but apparently the under the hood stuff has some big differences.

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Thanks everyone for your feedback. Tech support is answering all phone calls and emails, but we are swamped at the moment.


I will likely post a message about Accordance and Sonoma later today. I am waiting to clarify the wording with tech support to ensure I report accurate information.

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@Nathan Parker on my Intel iMac Pro the regular version of Accordance crashes and the latest beta version does open but with missing - original language - modules

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my mistake in upgrading to Sonoma. Apple said that MacBook pros and most other apple computers before 2018 will not support Sonoma. But they did allow my MacBook pro 2016 to upgrade to Sonoma - I should have listened.

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