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Instant detail settings


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Im raising this as a bug following another thread so you have a record. I have included a link to that thread. 

Accordance Bible Software Version 3.4.1 Build June 2023


for some time, i have not had the original language display in instant details above analytics, please see a screenshot below of one i posted a few days ago in another thread on the forum.
Following the thread below, first i just checked what was set in instant detail but didnt do anything.

following an update to the thread, i went back into the settings to check what resources i have but na28 is the only one ive downloaded to the ipad so accepted the na28. Didnt touch my hebrew setting. Screenshot of my settings as they were before and still are below.

when i went back in, the original languages is now displaying correctly above analytics. Third screenshot. 
my guess is i needed to go in and confirm a second time and not just accept what is there by default following a past update, but it could be something else. I havent been aware of seeing the original language resource in instant details for many moons. I also changed back to mounce again and the na28 still shows ok so its nothing related to the amplify settings. 






Edited by ukfraser
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Great. We'll look into it!

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I checked my iphone. Same build and have the same bug of no original language. Have left it and not tried to reselect resources. 



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Good to know. Thanks!

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Hi @ukfraser,


Maybe I am not understanding what you are telling us. I tried but I couldn't reproduce this. I guess it is intermittent? I have the same version and settings as you, but I think I am getting everything every time.




Have you tried removing your Saved Session yet?


1) Quit Accordance.  Either double tap the Home key or drag up from the bottom quickly and stop (on the newer iOS devices) until you get the small screens of each the apps that are currently open. ‘Sling' Accordance off of the screen in order to close the Accordance app.


2) Open the Apple Settings gear.


3) Scroll down until you find the Accordance app and select it.


4)Turn on Remove Saved Session (under Application Startup).


5) Restart Accordance.


This might restore the functionality.



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Hi Billy, its not intermittent. For I assume for at least the last year i have not seen the original language above the analytics bar. I just opened my iphone and its just not there but you can see that my original language is set in instant details. 
it wasnt there in my ipad either. However i went in to check what original languages i have on my ipad and when i came out, it was then showing correctly. 

im guessing that it hasnt been there since at least my last software update but may well have been longer and seems to need me to go into the settings before it shows. I dont really use it so i haven't missed it so really not aware of when i last saw it. I really only became aware of this feature following another thread.

I have deliberately not done this on the iphone until i got a response so the iphone is still not showing but it is showing on the ipad. Settings are the same as in the screen shots and the same on both devices. 

ive closed the phone down and removed saved session many times but have just done it again on the iphone and original languages is still not showing. 

for fun, ive also removed saved session on the ipad, and its still there as it should be. 

it just appears to need something to get it to work like checking the resources. 

i will try that at some time but am waiting to see if you want me to check anything else first.

hopefully others may chip in if they have it showing or not.

Edited by ukfraser
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And today, accordance has been shut down and saved setting removed on my iphone but still no original language in instant details. 

im not sure how much it actually adds which is probably why i havent missed it before and if im honest dont miss it now. But as it was being discussed by another user, thought id better report it as a bug. 



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Ok, for what it is worth, I was using an iPad yesterday. I just tried my iPhone and sure enough there was no original language information above the analytics. I went into the Settings > Instant Details > Source Texts and the Old Testament was set to MT-ETCBC. I really don't use that module very much and was surprised to see it there. I switched it to the HMT-W4 and the Instant Details started working as expected again. Then I checked and the MT-ETCBC wasn't even installed. Since I am regularly changing things for testing purposes, it is possible I was testing the MT-ETCBC and then uninstalled it.


I went back and downloaded the MT-ETCBC again and set it as the Old Testament source text again but this time it worked correctly as expected.


I just thought I would pass this along. Maybe we can figure out what triggers this so we will have something solid that we can pass on to the programming team.

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I uninstalled both my original languages on my iphone. 
i then installed tagged hmt-w4 and  gnt28-t and lxx1 & lxx2


i went back into settings\instant detail

My greek was still showing greek nt tagged so i tried to open the greek to select gnt28-t and it wouldnt let me, nothing happened. 

i opened gnt28-t

i then went back to settings \instant details and this time it opened normally and let me select gnt28-t and everything worked correctly with it showing in instant details.


i deleted gnt28-t and obviously nothing displayed. 
i downloaded gnt-tr and could select it under settings and it worked

i downloaded gnt28-t and was able to select it under settings and it worked. 

To me it looks like you need to open an original resource first time

then open settings\ instant details and select the resource

then it shows in instant details. 

as i say, i hadnt really noticed it wasnt there as i dont think it adds anything i need but my guess is its possibly not worked from a previous update and i just hadnt noticed and somewhere along the way it had stopped picking up the original resource and needed it to be selected again so that the system was working as i have only ever had to select one, nt or ot for both ot & nt to then start working as expected. .

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I can confirm you need to open any module you want the first time before it'll appear in the menu. I'm not sure if that's a bug or if it's been that way for a long time. But that is happening to me across all my iOS devices I've tested.

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