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Help with Qumran Non-Biblical Manuscripts Model

Steve Smith

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Hi everyone, I have what is probably a really basic question: I was wondering if someone could help decipher the following reference in the Qumran Non-Biblical Model: 4Q504 1_2Riv:11 . I understand everything before the _ but not after. I am trying to figure out how to cite this reference for an academic article. I read the "read me" for this module and still couldn't figure it out. 


Thanks so much, 


Steve smith 

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This may be a better answer:


4Q504 f1_2Riv,11 


This would be fragment 1 and the Recto side of fragment 2, column 4, and line 11


There may be an f before the 1_2 and a comma (instead of a colon) before the 11


Is this the text you're looking at?


עמ כו{{ו֯}}ל חמדת ארצם לכבד את עמכה ואת



Edited by robrecht
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