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Dan Langston

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I appreciate how devotionals suggest Scriptures I've forgotten about or not yet learned. With the incredible and thorough hyperlinking power of Accordance, I'd like to suggest the following:


1. The One year book of Hymns by Robert Morgan

2. Day by Day with the Early Church Fathers by Hudson, Sharer, and Vanker

3. Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young

4. My Utmost for His highest, Oswald Chambers

5. Hope for Each Day by Billy Graham


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I filed a request for 2-5. I can’t find #1. Do you have a link to it from the publisher or a bookstore?


By the way, in the future, if you have any links to the publishers or a bookstore when adding module requests, that’ll help me file them more quickly. That’ll give our team the info the need to quickly lookup the books.



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