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White Screen parallel window/ search function in Preference closes tab v.14.0.4

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I tried putting ESV Strong's in a separate window so I can work side by side but it just displays a white screen. Works fine if it is in a separate tab or add parallel but once I make it into a separate window it just goes white. This seems to happen with all Bible texts but works for other books. 


When in the preference tab, if anything is searched, the preference tab will close. This seemed to have worked in 14.0.3 but doesn't now. 

Accordance 1.png

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I noticed this behaviour some time ago, not sure whether it was 14.0.4 or earlier. At the time, pressing enter/return would revive the blank window.

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Keep me posted on this to see if it’s a bug we need to report.


This has been mentioned in the past. If I'm not mistaken, @Mark Allison said that, since with a parallel window of the same resource, it's assumed that one will be going to a different passage, there's no point in it opening to the same one. As Lawrence mentioned, hitting enter should bring up a verse, or you can type in a reference. However, there is a glitch, in that the verse finder doesn't seem to work with and empty window. This is clearly a bug. 

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Thanks! I’ll report the bug.

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Update on this one:


 I cannot reproduce the issue with the white second ESVS screen. It functioned as expected for me. Normal troubleshooting may apply with this one (new workspace, Accordance Safe mode etc.).


How do you get the white tab?

I tried as well and it seems to work fine.



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